Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why do some people have yellow marks under their arm pits if they wear white tops? How can you prevent it?

If you think about it, sweat is a waste fluid being excreted from your body, and also acts as a way to cool your body. Your body has many ways of doing this, and another is urinating. The color of urine is yellow. Even though it is disgusting to think about, that is why the armpits turn yellow. Try some stronger deoderant, or see a doctor they have prescription strenght deoderants and antipersperants.
use some deodorant.
thats either the colour of sweat or there fake tan!!
all white tops will eventually turn yellow it makes no difference if u wear doedrant or not .its actually the organisms that live on your skin that stain clothes its just more noticeable on white,look at the turin shroud its the same concept ,sweat ect produces more organisms .you cant prevent it,it depends on how sweaty you are may i suggest boil washing your clothes with bleach!!
I used to have a huge problem with this (and yes, I used deoderant and tried different ones). I got teased mercilessly in 8th grade to the point where I would wear baggy sweatshirts so no one could see. The body naturally sweats, but sometimes some sweat glands are "clogged", so sweat prospires in some places more than others - hence the yellow. I used a prescription deoderant from my doctor for a few years, I think I stopped the end of sophomore year...I forget what it was called. DryClear? I eventually stopped using it and it must've solved the problem because I no longer have a problem with this.I've also heard that eating oily foods/too much soda can cause sweat to come out yellow rather than clear and that drinking water will help. I have no clue if this is true or not. I think I drink the same amount of soda and like I said, I don't have the problem anymore.
It is not the sweat which makes the yellow marks; it is the aluminum chloride in the anti-perspirant which makes the yellow mark.Quit wearing anti-perspirant and you will no longer have the problem. Or, go to Ask Heloise's web site. She tells how to remove those stains with vinegar and some other stuff.

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