Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why do you have chest pains running outside but not in the gym?

You may well be using more effort outside, whatever this may be angina see your GP!
Sometimes if air is cold this can be a discomfort - get your doc to check you out though - just as a precautionary measure.
because its colder outside and when you breathe in cold air a lot when your out of breath it causes chest pains.
sorry but i dont know how to prevent it.
Maybe it's the air quality, there are lots of pollutants in the atmosphere from traffic, factories etc!
Cold air is an irritant to your lungs, warm air in a gym isn't so when you exercise outside you breathe in a lot of cold air which then irritates your lungs causing the pain.
probably global warming!
pollution from the air?
You could have mild asthma, which might be affected by cold air and exercise. I have the same problem, consult your local doctor.
I agree with all the thoughts about cold air, but let's say it might be angina. Do you exercise more on a solid uphill slog outside compared with a warm up trot on the old treadmill?
Please would you visit our group site. Checkout our links page.
i hope you find some answers. Please do visit your doctor.Los
all the best

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