Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why do we lose sumone,whom we love whom we care?..i lost my friend,life,who suffered from Blood Cancer..?

am firdous..swit lil honey of my frnd sophie,died on 13 april 2007 suffered from blood cancer...y da hell people suffer frrm dez kinda diseases...can ne1 tell me ..she was jst 14..Dammit
I worked in hospice for years and your question can never really be answered. It truely is one of the great mysteries of life. If you believe in God than you have to believe there is some reason, but yet you wonder why God would let someone suffer. Person or animal. It's the circle of life, the way it's been since the beginning and you have to believe that time does make some of the pain go away. It will come back sometimes when you least expect it - let it flow and don't fight it. Those memories will be your tribute to your loved one. She might have died but you are still alive, go ahead and involve yourself in fundraising for the illness and make her memory live in your work, the money you help raise may help treat someone else. My thoughts are with you. Hang in there,you will make it through, cry it out, scream it out. But please, remember you have a life to live.
Unfortunately there is no answer to this question. To quote Emily Dickenson 'That it only happens once it what makes life so sweet'. The only thing you can go is enjoy each day of life.
i've blood cancer too. u just fight the best u can.

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