Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why do the corners of my mouth sometimes get dry and crack painfully?

I dont understand why this happens to me occasionally - its so irritating and painful and I wear lipgloss all the time so its not like my lips are dry - does anyone have any sure fire ways to heal this quickly? It seems like when I use vaseline or anything it makes it worse.
Usually it's a lack of Vitamin B
Well, if you take a prescription acne medication, it'll dry out your skin a bit, especially your lips. These types of medications will make your lips crack. When they start drying out, don't lick them. When your saliva evaporates off your lips it draws out more liquid with it. So don't lick your lips in general at all.
i would keep the cornors of my mouth clean and instead of vaseline i would try something medicated like blistex or carmex and if that doesn't help i would see my doctor
You might be missing something in your diet. Try eating more vegetables for the next couple of months- %26 see if THAT helps. ALOT of skin "problems" come from the INSIDE of us- NOT the outside. :)

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