Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why Do The Tokeluans Of The Pacific Islands Whose Cholesterol Levels Are 240-300mg/dl Have VERY VERY LOW CHD

The Tokeluans of the Pacific Islands eat a diet very rich in saturated fat with their coconuts. They have some of the LOWEST rates of Coronary Heart Disease out of the already very low rates of the cultures below.- Same thing with Maasai, Dinkas , Samburu ,French, Inuits
If the Lipid Hypothesis is true which I can prove it is not, WHY aren't the Tokeluans RIDDLED with Coronary Heart Disease. ?
Gee, Ashley A/Razwell R/ CholesteroFraud C. I don't know why don't you tell us?Could it be they are not couch potatoes like us and actually get up and get some exercise? Do they fail to sprinkle salt on everything they eat? Do they eat lots of fish with omega 3 fatty acids? Do they come from a shallow gene pool with good genes? Do they get eaten by sharks by the time they are 40 yrs old?I have got to admit I have enjoyed our debate today. If I don't hear from you again it has been fun.Again to: Ashley A/Razwell R/ CholesteroFraud C
So, the Tokeluans eat coconuts. Wonder if the coconuts contain vitamins and antioxidants?The French are a paradox, that is why it's called the French Paradox, nobody is sure why the are healthy. Just Lucky?The Inuits have fatty diets. Could it be they need all those calories to stay warm? We should all move to Alaska to avoid heart disease.The Japanese have high animal fat consumption. Gee... I wonder if they eat a lot of fish... sushi comes from them... could be a connection there.LOL :)
Age adjusted incidence of the Tokeluans Maasai Dinkas Samburu InuitsIt is NOT eaten by predators. Don't eat that much fish MAINLY COCONUTS. That leaves us Maasai, Dinkas ,Samburu ,Inuits and French
The French have the lowest rate of CHD in the WHOLE MEDITERRANEAN AND LOWEST RATE IN THE WHOLE WEST . And the area of France that consumes most of it's calories from ggoseliver has the LOWEST RATE OF CHD IN FranceooooooopsThe Inuits who eat one of the most saturate rich diets of anyone have the LOWEST RATE OF CHD OUT OF ANYONE ANYONE
This is VERY EMBARASSIGN to persons like Harmony and other misguided proponents of the FALSE Lipid Hypothesis
That leaves us the Japanese whose animal fat consumption has GONE UP BY 260 % since 1961 when Greece held the longevity title.If saturated fat were harmful THEN SOMEONE FORGOT TO TELL THE JAPAENSE, FOR THEIR ASCENDANCY TO THE TOP OF THE LONGEVITY LADDER DOES NOT APPEAR HARMED IN ANY WAY FROM INCREASING ANIMAL FAT CONSUMPTION
It is INTERESTING TO NOTE THAT SWEDISH MEN , who eat a diet RICH IN ANIMAL FAT , ARE SECOND on the longevity ladder right behind Japan by A MERE 2 MONTHS
Harmony is exposed
People in the medical community wonder about that too:
http://www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/325/7378...Why does it matter to you? Drink a glass of red wine and relax.

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