Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why do some people feel that asking your signficant other for an STD testing is rude?

They are ignorant, going by hearsay and rumors that if you have an STD they are dirty or have had sex with every Tom, Dick, and Jane there is. It's lack of education, also lack of maturity, and maybe just being young (sometimes also). Everyone really needs to educate themselves before they have sex, and they need to realize that getting testing is GOOD for themselves and the person they care about. It doesn't matter if you had sex with one person or 40, just one can have an STD.
Because they think that you are calling them dirty and that they sleep around.
I guess it's like asking a woman how muich she weighs, yes it has medical importance, but by societal standards it's "wrong". Then again, not knowing someone's weight never killed anybody. It suggest that they slept around, are dirty, don;t wear condoms, disugsting individual etc. No question containing STD is generall good, unless it's a doctor saying "You are clean of STD's". Then that's good. Hope this helped
Common think about your own question! How would you feel if your significant other asks you that? Some states require blood testing before they can marry. People don't like being accused of having a plague!
If you and your partner have been monogamous for some time asking them to get tested out of the blue is like asking if they have been unfaithful.On the other hand if you have been dating and are thinking of getting serious (i.e. sex is on the horizon) it is perfectly OK to ask if it is time to both get check ups and exchange STD test results.

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