Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why do some people become paralyzed after a heart attack?

During a heart attack (Myocardial Infarction or MI), the brain loses oxygen if the heart stops completely as blood cannot reach the brain and vital organs. This can result in paralysis from brain damage and the results would likely be permanent, although the brain does compensate at times and function is partially or fully restored to the affected area.However, if a stroke (Cerebral Vascualar Attack or CVA) accompanies an MI, brain damage is more often than not permanent as a stroke is generally caused by high blood pressure (hypertension or HTN) and the result is one or more blood vessles in the brain bursts (usually an anurism) or a clot has formed and lodged within the vessles, and oxygen (like with an MI) cannot reach the tissues, resulting in tissue death.There are many new medications for CVA's and MI's that lower the risk of paralysis, but they must be administered (typically) within an hour of the incident.I've listed a couple of websites you might want to visit (in the source section below), they are excellent sites that have an abundance of information on both MI's and CVA's.Peace,Beki
Blood flow to motor centers cut off and damaged.
like your avatar! If brain damage occured with an attack, it can cause stroke like symptoms, or the 'attack' could have caused a stroke. So, from lack of blood supply to the heart, from lack of heart pumping any.
Because when you have a heart attack i believe your heart stops. Well if your heart stops blood wont go to all of your body therefore if your body doesnt get blood like its normally supposed to will become paralyzed. Heres an example: You know what u put a rubberband around your finger and it becomes purple and you cant feel it? I think that is what happens to your body when you have a heart attack because no blood is coming through.Hope this is right info LOL
Its because a heart beat can cause unregulated fluttering of the heart muscles which can dislodge a blood clot which travels through the blood vessels to reach the brain where it gets trapped in the tiny vessels to impede the blood supply to the distal parts of brain and the loss of blood creates lack of oxygen described as ischaemia n it leads to death of that particular portion of brain which eventually leads to loss of function controlled by that part.....which may show as paralysis of limbs if that function is movement of body parts......ther... may also be mutism, memory loss n many other symptoms besides paralysis
A lot of patients who suffer a heart attack or M.I.; almost always complain of radiating pains, weakness and numbness on upper extremities. This so called paralysis is due to the ischemia ( poor delivery or inadequate blood supply of oxygen ) of the cardiac muscles and escape of potassium ( hypokalemia or low potassium levels inside the blood vessels) into the blood stream. But this temporary paralysis or weakness goes away once, the MI is resolved.
If the patient suffers a stroke from hypertension, sometimes the paralysis ( hemiplegia ) becomes more permanent.esp if it was a massive stroke. and there was more brain damage.
Depending on the extent of damage to the heart, there is unstable Angina (USA), and a little exertion can result in precipitation of Angina called as exertional angina.
At the same time some patients experience attacks of vertigo and faintness.
It takes 6 to 8 weeks for collaterals to develop in the heart, and psychological uplift is mandatory.
Depending on the age and sex and risk factors involved it may take about 8 weeks to recover confidence and to lead a normal life.
No it may not be permanent side effect !See heart patient having high blood pressure also can become a victim of stroke !Some thrombus may travel to cranial arteries call embolism and may play this mischief !Most of the time it gets reverse and you dont have to suffer for a long !always YouRsmE

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