Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why do people say That Aids is God's wrath for eating the forbidding fruit.?

I get soo tired of people trying to put a reliougous spin on tis. What are your thoughts?
Some religious people believe that all human suffering is a punishment from God. It is infantile theology, but some people never grow up spiritually.It is infantile, because it allows the believer to hold on to the delusion that if he is "good" then nothing bad will happen. It is a primitive defense against anxiety common in very young children, but most of us grow out of it.Grown ups know that having HIV or AIDS or any other illness has nothing to do with being punished for something.
It's called reaction formation. It's a natural psychological defense to cover up the fact that they deeply deeply want more sex than they get, and they're often oblivious to it.
All disease, pain, sorrow and death is the result of sin. Death is one per person and doesn't discriminate - whether it's by disease or accident or "natural" causes...if Eve hadn't given in to temptation in Eden, they'd still be alive. God didn't specifically create AIDS to punish people. We do that just fine by ourselves.
Because most organized religions are full of sanctimonious self-richeous hypocrites..

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