Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why do my eyes get diolated randomly?

i mean it happens ALOT and it happens randomly my pupils just get so HUGE but im not doing drugs at the time.and ive gotten in trouble and accused of being on something at school,and the nurse said my eyes reacted to the light or something i have no idea what that means.but could somebody tell me whats wrong with me?(if it helps i have astigmatism in my left eye but this happens to both eyes)
Anxiety can make your pupils dilate but i am wondering why the nurse accused you of doing drugs?
Other drugs and an eye doctor putting drops in your eyes, dilated pupils are likely an indication of shock and/or of elevated pressure in the brain brought on by: * Anaphylaxis
* Internal Bleeding, as a result of:
o Head Injury
o Aneurysm
* Severe Dehydration
* Infection:
o Meningitis or Encephalitis
o Toxic Shock Syndrome
* Reye Syndrome
* Glaucoma
* A Growth in the BrainNext time, tell the accuser about what else can cause enlarged pupils and immediately go to the school nurse and ask her to take your blood pressure.Worrying won't help. Go talk to your family doctor. It could be something as simple as not drinking enough fluids, but you won't know until the tests are complete.

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