Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why is smoking bad?

i have to do it for a school project
I think.. smoking is terrible.. leads to lung cancer.. and lots of other health complications.. and if you stop you still have the tobacco in the lungs that can still cause cancer and other stuff.. there are so many terrible ingredients in cigarettes its not even funny.. Toilet bowl cleaner, nail polish remover, rat poisoning.. and tons and tons more.. and plus its addicting.. it rots your teeth if you smoke.. tons.. and that's basic knowledge I know from smoking
Hi ,
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Research emphysema. My father died from it. He smoked all of his life and refused to stop even ten years after being diagnosed. By the time he finally quit it was too late. He couldn't walk from the kitchen table to the sink without gasping for air. That's just one of the many reasons a person shouldn't smoke. Most people have that "it won't happen to me" syndrome. Unfortunately things do happen and eventually they will. Good luck with your project.
In short, it destroys the lungs making it hard to breath leading to your death.
Because sigarette smoke contains a lot of cancerogenous factors! Smoke irritates throat and bronchial tubes epitelial tissue. It can cause more than 30 kinds of cancer, besides enfisema and other serious diseases.
Smoking is bad because it has a negative effect on health and consequences shows later in life..Check this site:http://www.quitsmoking.com.ph/faq.htm...
A good source to quotehttp://www.lungusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=dvl...
here is the link for great info.
Smoking is VERY bad, for the person smoking %26 the people around them breathing the second hand smoke. You can get tons of information from the American Lung Association.
Cigarets contain rat poison and lots of other bad stuff, would you eat rat poison? No, not unless you want to die...so don't smoke it either. Good Luck
on what planet are u living on?

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