Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why might I have uncomfortable feelings in my lower stomach?

Last month I was diagnosed with the HPV Virus. They said that it had already developed cancer cells, and I may have cervical cancer.
How does someone tell you that and not make an appt for a whole month! I have an appt but not until May 10th, and I have recently (the last few days) been getting cramps... Not really painful, but uncomfortable. Where is your cervix located from the outside of the body... The lower stomach? I looked up HPV and read about it and I have all the symptoms of this virus, including lower back pains (which is also happening as a result of this uncomfortable feeling).. Please give me some information, personal or otherwise. Thanks!
in the dr office i work in we try to have people come back for a coloposcopy in about 3 or 4 weeks after an abnormal pap smear when the hpv has been detected.i am not sure if that is what you are having or just another pap smear which are both possibe depending on you dr. i think the cramps are unrelated to the cervix. maybe your nerves about the upcoming appt or an infection, vaginal or urinary. your cervix is attached to the bottom of your uterus which is in the far back of your vagina. this whole hpv thing is scaring alot of people who don't know much about it. the only people who are developing a serious cervical cancer are people not going for their pap test and not following up to abnormal paps. most women have hpv and don't even know it. you can have an abnormal pap and it may resolve itself do to irritation that was present at the time of your pap smear. your appt is coming up and they will answer all the questions you have. maybe ask you dr for more information about cervical changes and hpv. i know you will be fine take care.
you might have a bit of infection going on too =sorry you have to wait so long =it is hard to get into see a specialist any more= see your Dr and ask if there is something you can get to relieve the pain
Call the doctor and tell them what is happening to you and insist that you get an appointment ASAP. It doesn't seem that your doctor's office communicated with you as to why they set your appointment so far away. If you are experiencing so much discomfort, you need to take charge of your medical care and tell them that you want an appointment now!

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