Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why isn't Exlax working for me??

I bought some exlax last night because I felt that I was a bit constipated. I was having 1 bowel movement about every other day and felt it was not sufficient. After waiting the 8 hours it鈥檚 supposed to take I felt nothing. I did get very bloated and very gassy. I had a small bowel movement this afternoon and It was kind of forced. I have been drinking tons of water "about 10 500ml water bottles, and eating a normal diet which includes fiber and fruits. I took 2 more pieces of exlax tonight and now I feel very bloated again even more gassier. I even feel like have a knot in my throat...I decided to stop taking the exlax since I does not seem to work. Just wondering why It didn't.. "Lost in constipation"
According to my doctor, once every other day is completely normal. In fact, for some people, as infrequently as once per week is normal! However, if you are feeling particularly "uncomfortable," give Miralax a try. They just issued it for over-the-counter use. It comes in a bottle for about $10, and you mix it in with a glass of water.
all that exlax is going to hit you like a freight train. Don't stray too far from the bathroom. If by some chance the exlax still doesn't work, you can go to the pharmacy and buy this liquid for your bowels and i think it's called citroma. It's the most powerful stuff I've seen yet
When this does kick in, you may be up most of the night. Sometimes laxatives do not work immediately and can take up to 12 hours to get a bowel movement. I seriously think you may have a problem in a little while. Next time you want immediate results, buy a bottle of Magnesium Citrate at the drugstore, it costs $2.00 at the most. Drink the bottle and in one hour you usually get relief. It doesn't cramp you, but you will be completely cleaned out. Take it only when you know you will be home to use the toilet. I bought the Miralax and wasted my $12.00.
Try drinking some prune juice.
I would avoid ex-lax, it is an irritant...sounds like you are eating right, you may just need more fiber. Get some natural fiber like metemucil and use it regularly, meal time, maybe twice a day at first...I only use it once a day and it works fine...and if your stool is soft, you have no problem if you miss a day once in a while, you need a certain amount of food intake (bulk) to generate a bowel movement...
you know sometimes, if I get a little bloated or constipated, i asked my husband to massage my stomach from right to left, just to help the muscle and the intestine moves. it always works for me. have you pass gas during this time? if you did then your okay, ur intestines are moving properly. but if not yet, try
GAS-X, if after couple of hours and you took this medicine and still no gas or pass yet. then go to basic treatment castor oil. if still no pass, then i guess you have to call you doctor.
first of all for the feeling of bloated...i personally feel relief only after mixing a heaping spoonful of baking soda in a big coffee cup with cold water and mixing it good and chugging at least half then adding more water to it and finishing it..its dangerous if you mix more than that or dont have it diluted enough..it can blow you up literally..if you decied to try this dont lie down but rather walk or jog in place until you beltch..(and believe me you will).but after you beltch.ahhhhh bloated is a thing of the past my friend....as for the constipation try using epsom salt insted..follow the instructions on the box.(its made for constipation relief) along with sore aches n pains. hope this works for you..i recommed the baking soda for sure it works fast and its only thing that works that well for me..peace

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