Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Why negro the skin is black?
They have Melanin in their skin cells and that is also why white folk tan. They just have more is all and in more concentrated amounts.
Lots of pigment. That way they are able to withstand the effects of the sun where as lighter skinned people would burn.
Why my life s so boring,,,vry mch!?
when i think of boredom, i think of not only things to occcupy my time, but how so many people out there arent bored. they arent bored because they are having surgery, getting cancer treatment, or cant get out of bed. maybe your situation applies, but try to think of how much worse off you could be. be happy for the breath you just took. go out and take a walk in the beautiful weather, the fresh air will cheer you up. there are people out there that care about you, and all you need to do is ask for some company. most people are more than willing to make time when asked. please dont be sad.and for the wench that said the comment about a 45, you know where you can shove it.
a .45 is cheaper than the oxygen u're takin from the rest of us... shoot yourself
because you have an infectious disease...?
Why must insulin be refrigerated?
something ive always wondered..
Actually, that's a myth. I was told the same thing 14 years ago, when I found out I was an insulin-dependent diabetic. You really don't have to keep it refrigerated. Just avoid extreme heat or cold, because then the insulin can go bad. It's more a precaution than anything else.
Insulin has a half-life in which the chemicals break down over time. Keeping them refrigerated helps to slow that process.
actually, not all insulin must be refrigerated, and some can even be stable at room temperature up to 28 days, depending on the type and brand.the reason that it is typically refrigerated is that insulin is a protein. it is very likely to be broken down by the very solution it comes packaged in. high temperatures will increase the rate that the protein is broken down, so obviously low temperatures reduce the rate of its catabolism.
It doesn't have to be, but it only keeps about a month out of the refrigerator. Ask a pharmacist for the exact figures on this.
I use insulin in a pump and as soon as I buy it, I leave it out of the refrigerator. It is easier to fill the reservoir without getting bubbles. But before the pump I always left the insulin out of the refrigerator because when you inject cold insulin, it causes atrophy under the skin. Insulin only loses about 3% effectiveness at room temperature
Most if not all insulin's today can be keep out of the refrigerator for 28 to 30 days, the reason for refrigeration is the insulin will deteriorate (break down) if kept out longer.
Actually, that's a myth. I was told the same thing 14 years ago, when I found out I was an insulin-dependent diabetic. You really don't have to keep it refrigerated. Just avoid extreme heat or cold, because then the insulin can go bad. It's more a precaution than anything else.
Insulin has a half-life in which the chemicals break down over time. Keeping them refrigerated helps to slow that process.
actually, not all insulin must be refrigerated, and some can even be stable at room temperature up to 28 days, depending on the type and brand.the reason that it is typically refrigerated is that insulin is a protein. it is very likely to be broken down by the very solution it comes packaged in. high temperatures will increase the rate that the protein is broken down, so obviously low temperatures reduce the rate of its catabolism.
It doesn't have to be, but it only keeps about a month out of the refrigerator. Ask a pharmacist for the exact figures on this.
I use insulin in a pump and as soon as I buy it, I leave it out of the refrigerator. It is easier to fill the reservoir without getting bubbles. But before the pump I always left the insulin out of the refrigerator because when you inject cold insulin, it causes atrophy under the skin. Insulin only loses about 3% effectiveness at room temperature
Most if not all insulin's today can be keep out of the refrigerator for 28 to 30 days, the reason for refrigeration is the insulin will deteriorate (break down) if kept out longer.
Why most of enterobacteria in intestine r gram negative?
why is the sky blue? (actually I know that one).
They just are, lol!
My dear, they are all gram negative! "Members of the Enterobacteriaceae are rod-shaped, and are typically 1-5 渭m in length. Like other Proteobacteria they have Gram-negative stains, and they are facultative anaerobes, fermenting sugars to produce lactic acid and various other end products."
Many members of this family are a normal part of the gut flora found in the intestines of humans and other animals, while others are found in water or soil, or are parasites on a variety of different animals and plants. Escherichia coli, better known as E. coli, is one of the most important model organisms and its genetics and biochemistry have been closely studied (wiki).
Hence, they just ARE gram Neg. be their habitat the soil or water or a gut.
gram negative bacterias grow in an acidic medium. in intestine matrix is acidic.so,be it.
Why mosquitos suck blood?
actually mosquitoes are vegetarians; their main food is plant sap;only the female needs animal blood; there is a protein in animal blood that the female mosquito needs to mature its eggs;
It is their food source. Why do you eat?
coz they are a kind of vampires
That's what parasites do for a living.
Why might I have uncomfortable feelings in my lower stomach?
Last month I was diagnosed with the HPV Virus. They said that it had already developed cancer cells, and I may have cervical cancer.
How does someone tell you that and not make an appt for a whole month! I have an appt but not until May 10th, and I have recently (the last few days) been getting cramps... Not really painful, but uncomfortable. Where is your cervix located from the outside of the body... The lower stomach? I looked up HPV and read about it and I have all the symptoms of this virus, including lower back pains (which is also happening as a result of this uncomfortable feeling).. Please give me some information, personal or otherwise. Thanks!
in the dr office i work in we try to have people come back for a coloposcopy in about 3 or 4 weeks after an abnormal pap smear when the hpv has been detected.i am not sure if that is what you are having or just another pap smear which are both possibe depending on you dr. i think the cramps are unrelated to the cervix. maybe your nerves about the upcoming appt or an infection, vaginal or urinary. your cervix is attached to the bottom of your uterus which is in the far back of your vagina. this whole hpv thing is scaring alot of people who don't know much about it. the only people who are developing a serious cervical cancer are people not going for their pap test and not following up to abnormal paps. most women have hpv and don't even know it. you can have an abnormal pap and it may resolve itself do to irritation that was present at the time of your pap smear. your appt is coming up and they will answer all the questions you have. maybe ask you dr for more information about cervical changes and hpv. i know you will be fine take care.
you might have a bit of infection going on too =sorry you have to wait so long =it is hard to get into see a specialist any more= see your Dr and ask if there is something you can get to relieve the pain
Call the doctor and tell them what is happening to you and insist that you get an appointment ASAP. It doesn't seem that your doctor's office communicated with you as to why they set your appointment so far away. If you are experiencing so much discomfort, you need to take charge of your medical care and tell them that you want an appointment now!
How does someone tell you that and not make an appt for a whole month! I have an appt but not until May 10th, and I have recently (the last few days) been getting cramps... Not really painful, but uncomfortable. Where is your cervix located from the outside of the body... The lower stomach? I looked up HPV and read about it and I have all the symptoms of this virus, including lower back pains (which is also happening as a result of this uncomfortable feeling).. Please give me some information, personal or otherwise. Thanks!
in the dr office i work in we try to have people come back for a coloposcopy in about 3 or 4 weeks after an abnormal pap smear when the hpv has been detected.i am not sure if that is what you are having or just another pap smear which are both possibe depending on you dr. i think the cramps are unrelated to the cervix. maybe your nerves about the upcoming appt or an infection, vaginal or urinary. your cervix is attached to the bottom of your uterus which is in the far back of your vagina. this whole hpv thing is scaring alot of people who don't know much about it. the only people who are developing a serious cervical cancer are people not going for their pap test and not following up to abnormal paps. most women have hpv and don't even know it. you can have an abnormal pap and it may resolve itself do to irritation that was present at the time of your pap smear. your appt is coming up and they will answer all the questions you have. maybe ask you dr for more information about cervical changes and hpv. i know you will be fine take care.
you might have a bit of infection going on too =sorry you have to wait so long =it is hard to get into see a specialist any more= see your Dr and ask if there is something you can get to relieve the pain
Call the doctor and tell them what is happening to you and insist that you get an appointment ASAP. It doesn't seem that your doctor's office communicated with you as to why they set your appointment so far away. If you are experiencing so much discomfort, you need to take charge of your medical care and tell them that you want an appointment now!
Why isnt there a cure for asthma yet?
Im am asthmatic and im curoise as of why there is no cure yet.has their been any recent news about it or improvements, studies? i feel that people are not caring much for asthmatic people its hard you know!
I know how you feel! Unfortunately, there are so many reasons people suffer from it and what triggers it, that it has to be treated on an individual basis. There are some great meds out their now. I saw an allergist, saw what I was mosty sensitive to, and started on shots. I took singulair and allegra on a daily basis for quite a while and it controled it where i did not refill my inhaler prescription for over 2 yrs.
I'm Sorry u have asthma, if it makes u feel any better I have it too and i'm pist off that there isn't a cure yet!
Not just with Asthma but with many cronic health issues, I believe that the profits the med companies make cause them to move vveerryy slowly toward a cure.
I know what your going through... The only thing I can say to answer this question is why isn't there a cure for cancer or the common cold? I guess we just don't have the technology.
How old are you? If you are still young, you might be able to overgrow it if you take proper care. I have come across quite a number of young children with asthma and they are ok now. I have a friend who cooked Crocodile meat for her daughter regularly and she is ok now. Maybe you can try it. Try to avoid taking cooling drinks or food.
I have asthma too! I take Advair morning and night. I take a spacer or Abutrol. It seperates your lungs or something like that.
You raise a good point. You will feind the below website interesting
I know how you feel! Unfortunately, there are so many reasons people suffer from it and what triggers it, that it has to be treated on an individual basis. There are some great meds out their now. I saw an allergist, saw what I was mosty sensitive to, and started on shots. I took singulair and allegra on a daily basis for quite a while and it controled it where i did not refill my inhaler prescription for over 2 yrs.
I'm Sorry u have asthma, if it makes u feel any better I have it too and i'm pist off that there isn't a cure yet!
Not just with Asthma but with many cronic health issues, I believe that the profits the med companies make cause them to move vveerryy slowly toward a cure.
I know what your going through... The only thing I can say to answer this question is why isn't there a cure for cancer or the common cold? I guess we just don't have the technology.
How old are you? If you are still young, you might be able to overgrow it if you take proper care. I have come across quite a number of young children with asthma and they are ok now. I have a friend who cooked Crocodile meat for her daughter regularly and she is ok now. Maybe you can try it. Try to avoid taking cooling drinks or food.
I have asthma too! I take Advair morning and night. I take a spacer or Abutrol. It seperates your lungs or something like that.
You raise a good point. You will feind the below website interesting
Why isn't Exlax working for me??
I bought some exlax last night because I felt that I was a bit constipated. I was having 1 bowel movement about every other day and felt it was not sufficient. After waiting the 8 hours it鈥檚 supposed to take I felt nothing. I did get very bloated and very gassy. I had a small bowel movement this afternoon and It was kind of forced. I have been drinking tons of water "about 10 500ml water bottles, and eating a normal diet which includes fiber and fruits. I took 2 more pieces of exlax tonight and now I feel very bloated again even more gassier. I even feel like have a knot in my throat...I decided to stop taking the exlax since I does not seem to work. Just wondering why It didn't.. "Lost in constipation"
According to my doctor, once every other day is completely normal. In fact, for some people, as infrequently as once per week is normal! However, if you are feeling particularly "uncomfortable," give Miralax a try. They just issued it for over-the-counter use. It comes in a bottle for about $10, and you mix it in with a glass of water.
all that exlax is going to hit you like a freight train. Don't stray too far from the bathroom. If by some chance the exlax still doesn't work, you can go to the pharmacy and buy this liquid for your bowels and i think it's called citroma. It's the most powerful stuff I've seen yet
When this does kick in, you may be up most of the night. Sometimes laxatives do not work immediately and can take up to 12 hours to get a bowel movement. I seriously think you may have a problem in a little while. Next time you want immediate results, buy a bottle of Magnesium Citrate at the drugstore, it costs $2.00 at the most. Drink the bottle and in one hour you usually get relief. It doesn't cramp you, but you will be completely cleaned out. Take it only when you know you will be home to use the toilet. I bought the Miralax and wasted my $12.00.
Try drinking some prune juice.
I would avoid ex-lax, it is an irritant...sounds like you are eating right, you may just need more fiber. Get some natural fiber like metemucil and use it regularly, meal time, maybe twice a day at first...I only use it once a day and it works fine...and if your stool is soft, you have no problem if you miss a day once in a while, you need a certain amount of food intake (bulk) to generate a bowel movement...
you know sometimes, if I get a little bloated or constipated, i asked my husband to massage my stomach from right to left, just to help the muscle and the intestine moves. it always works for me. have you pass gas during this time? if you did then your okay, ur intestines are moving properly. but if not yet, try
GAS-X, if after couple of hours and you took this medicine and still no gas or pass yet. then go to basic treatment castor oil. if still no pass, then i guess you have to call you doctor.
first of all for the feeling of bloated...i personally feel relief only after mixing a heaping spoonful of baking soda in a big coffee cup with cold water and mixing it good and chugging at least half then adding more water to it and finishing it..its dangerous if you mix more than that or dont have it diluted enough..it can blow you up literally..if you decied to try this dont lie down but rather walk or jog in place until you beltch..(and believe me you will).but after you beltch.ahhhhh bloated is a thing of the past my friend....as for the constipation try using epsom salt insted..follow the instructions on the box.(its made for constipation relief) along with sore aches n pains. hope this works for you..i recommed the baking soda for sure it works fast and its only thing that works that well for me..peace
According to my doctor, once every other day is completely normal. In fact, for some people, as infrequently as once per week is normal! However, if you are feeling particularly "uncomfortable," give Miralax a try. They just issued it for over-the-counter use. It comes in a bottle for about $10, and you mix it in with a glass of water.
all that exlax is going to hit you like a freight train. Don't stray too far from the bathroom. If by some chance the exlax still doesn't work, you can go to the pharmacy and buy this liquid for your bowels and i think it's called citroma. It's the most powerful stuff I've seen yet
When this does kick in, you may be up most of the night. Sometimes laxatives do not work immediately and can take up to 12 hours to get a bowel movement. I seriously think you may have a problem in a little while. Next time you want immediate results, buy a bottle of Magnesium Citrate at the drugstore, it costs $2.00 at the most. Drink the bottle and in one hour you usually get relief. It doesn't cramp you, but you will be completely cleaned out. Take it only when you know you will be home to use the toilet. I bought the Miralax and wasted my $12.00.
Try drinking some prune juice.
I would avoid ex-lax, it is an irritant...sounds like you are eating right, you may just need more fiber. Get some natural fiber like metemucil and use it regularly, meal time, maybe twice a day at first...I only use it once a day and it works fine...and if your stool is soft, you have no problem if you miss a day once in a while, you need a certain amount of food intake (bulk) to generate a bowel movement...
you know sometimes, if I get a little bloated or constipated, i asked my husband to massage my stomach from right to left, just to help the muscle and the intestine moves. it always works for me. have you pass gas during this time? if you did then your okay, ur intestines are moving properly. but if not yet, try
GAS-X, if after couple of hours and you took this medicine and still no gas or pass yet. then go to basic treatment castor oil. if still no pass, then i guess you have to call you doctor.
first of all for the feeling of bloated...i personally feel relief only after mixing a heaping spoonful of baking soda in a big coffee cup with cold water and mixing it good and chugging at least half then adding more water to it and finishing it..its dangerous if you mix more than that or dont have it diluted enough..it can blow you up literally..if you decied to try this dont lie down but rather walk or jog in place until you beltch..(and believe me you will).but after you beltch.ahhhhh bloated is a thing of the past my friend....as for the constipation try using epsom salt insted..follow the instructions on the box.(its made for constipation relief) along with sore aches n pains. hope this works for you..i recommed the baking soda for sure it works fast and its only thing that works that well for me..peace
Why is your sugar count higher in the morning?
Your body constantly releases a steroid (cortisol) to help keep it's functions in balance. One of the effects of this steroid is that it can raise your blood sugar. Almost everybody has a spike in this steroid production in the early morning before you wake up. This is probably why you have a higher count in the morning. This is called the Dawn Phenomenon.There is a slight chance that you are going too low at night and not noticing it. Your body then works to raise your blood sugar and this will make it higher than normal. This can be risky because people may try to take more long acting insulin at night, which would actually make their count go even lower than before. This effect seems to lessen the longer people are diabetic.To find out what is going on, try setting your clock for early in the morning once in a while to test your blood. If it is enough of a problem, make sure to talk to your doctor or diabetes educator.
I had a high glucose level in my blood test and they decided I might be diabetic, so I had to return for the test. Thankfully all was normal so the reason stated 'You have a slow metabolism!' I then took up Pilates, exercise and no further problem.
One reason that your sugar rises in the morning is that your liver produces glucose for your body as morning approaches. I'm not sure what regimen you are on but when I was taking NPH at bedtime, it never lasted long enough until morning time. If I took too much of it then it would peak around 3am and I would have reactions. I have since switched to Lantus and Humalog. The Lantus at night really does a good job at stabilizing the sugars for up to 24 hours. If you're not already taking it I would talk to your doctor about it.
I was told at my diabetes classes that when you sleep at night your liver still produces sugar. I was told to eat a snack before bed so that the food in my system would absorb that extra sugar and keep my levels where they should be.
It sounds like you have dawn phenomenon, I have that also, please check out website below, it will explain what you should do. I hope this helps.
Why is this happening?
I have had my period on the 19th of April and had sex on the 25th of April. Im having severe cramps like menstrual cramps on an off for the past 3 days I dont know if this is a early sign of pregnancy and its too early to test but I havent had cramps like this but my cycle is less than 28 days.
Did you start your period on the 19th? If so, the 25th would probably be too soon to get pregnant. You usually ovulate about 14 days after you start your period.
get pregnancy test
Did you start your period on the 19th? If so, the 25th would probably be too soon to get pregnant. You usually ovulate about 14 days after you start your period.
get pregnancy test
Why is there such things as illnesses?
I really wonder why we always get sick and have to sit through hours of injections. Why can't they just make one injection that makes us immune to illnesses?
For check and balance.
Survival of the fittest.
S o that we can appreciate good health.
It would be good for all patients if a universal serum can cure all viruses. But with millions of viruses are being created medically and naturally, If would be impossible to develop such serum.
For check and balance.
Survival of the fittest.
S o that we can appreciate good health.
It would be good for all patients if a universal serum can cure all viruses. But with millions of viruses are being created medically and naturally, If would be impossible to develop such serum.
Why is there ST segment shortening in hypercalemia?
calcium helps in all muscle function, including heart. in hypercalcemia, the heart will contract abnormally, in fact can stop completely.
Well..this is going to be long, sorry. A tall peaked and symmetrical T wave is the first change seen on the ECG in a patient with hyperkalemia. There is progressive slowing of impulse conduction through the myocardium as the hyperkalemia becomes more severe, causing the PR interval to lengthen and the QRS duration to increase. The P wave may disappear as a result of atrial standstill or arrest; however, sinus node activity can persist without resulting in atrial activation. The latter occurs because the impulse generated by the sinus node may travel to the AV node along specialized intraatrial or internodal tracts, rather than through the atrial myocardium which has become unexcitable. Ultimately the QRS widens further due to a severe conduction delay and may become "sine wave," resulting in ventricular standstill and a flat line on the ECG with complete absence of electrical activity. This progression of ECG changes does not correlate well with the actual potassium level.It's a lil different with hypokalemia...but it's similar to hyperkalemia in that hypokalemia produces changes on the ECG thats not necessarily related to the serum potassium level. There is depression of the ST segment, decrease in the amplitude of the T wave, and an increase in the amplitude of U waves which occur at the end of the T wave . U waves are often seen in the lateral precordial leads V4-V6 and indicate an electrolyte imbalance.
Why is there an upper age limit to being a bone marrow donor?
One of my college professors has a grandson needing a bone marrow donation. The grandson's name is Ethan Powell.See link: http://www.ethanpowell.com/I got on the list in Phoenix years ago. I am probably not a match for his grandson, but I would donate for him if I could.I am 60 years old. I find that if someone is over the age of 60 (when you turn 61) that they take you off the list. Why?
Check out this link, and scroll down to the question "Are you between the ages of 18 and 60?http://www.marrow.org/help/join_the_regi...
Check out this link, and scroll down to the question "Are you between the ages of 18 and 60?http://www.marrow.org/help/join_the_regi...
Why is there alcohol in most lotions?
In my experiences, you have to make specifically sure that there is no alcohol in the lotions you buy because it dries out your skin, whereas the lotion is supposed to moisturize your skin. In the chemicals in the lotions, why would they put two adversely reacting chemicals together like that?
Isopropyl alcohol is used in those lotions as a suspending agent. Without it, the lotion would 'clump up', in most cases. Also, alcohol dries natural oils from the skin. The general idea is that the volume of lotion overrides the volume of alcohol, especially due to the fact that the alcohol evaporates and dissapates quite rapidly. There are water-based lotions now, however, which are more cutaniously friendly than isopropanol.
like you said alcohol dries out your skin, there for you will use there product more just like chap stick
So your skin dries out and you will have to use more lotion, so your skin dries out and you have to use more lotion, so your skin dries out and you have to use more lotion.
to allow the active ingredients to dry and adhere to the skin.
Why would you buy most lotions over the counter anyway when they contain toxic chemicals? You rub your hands with the lotion and put it on your body and all those toxic chemicals are absorbed your skin and get into your blood stream etc.
Isopropyl alcohol is used in those lotions as a suspending agent. Without it, the lotion would 'clump up', in most cases. Also, alcohol dries natural oils from the skin. The general idea is that the volume of lotion overrides the volume of alcohol, especially due to the fact that the alcohol evaporates and dissapates quite rapidly. There are water-based lotions now, however, which are more cutaniously friendly than isopropanol.
like you said alcohol dries out your skin, there for you will use there product more just like chap stick
So your skin dries out and you will have to use more lotion, so your skin dries out and you have to use more lotion, so your skin dries out and you have to use more lotion.
to allow the active ingredients to dry and adhere to the skin.
Why would you buy most lotions over the counter anyway when they contain toxic chemicals? You rub your hands with the lotion and put it on your body and all those toxic chemicals are absorbed your skin and get into your blood stream etc.
Why is the skin under my tongue peeling?
so this has been happening to me as long as i can remember. every once in awhile the skin on the entire floor of my mouth begins to turn slightly white and peel off in thin sheets. it doesnt usually hurt, but sometimes small areas get painful. ive gone to a doctor for is as a child and he just said maybe its somethng to do w/allergies. im not on medication or anything, and theres no other symptoms. i cant find anything online either. any help is appreciated! thank you!
ask the dentist next time you go, they see everything that has to do with mouths.
ask the dentist next time you go, they see everything that has to do with mouths.
Why is the oparation area difficult to heal for cancer patient?
It has been three month after the operation, but until now the wound is not yet heal. The patient is having breast cancer third stage.
Failure to heal probably has more to do with a patients age and overall health. Children and younger adults seem to heal faster than older adults.My son who has a stage IV abdominal sarcoma has had three major surgeries. Two abdominal surgeries and a thoracic surgery. He has had hyperthermic chemoperfusion with cytoreductive surgery and was out of the hospital within 8 days. He had major surgery a few weeks ago and they replaced 90 percent of his diaphragm. He was out of the hospital within 6 days. So, in general younger people seem to heal faster . .within a few weeks of surgery. In fact when we were discussing this with his doctors they all planned his next treatment within two weeks after surgery. His wound is now completely healed.I do not know in your patient why it is taking so long for the wound to heal. Is it possible that the patient has an infection preventing the healing? Is this an older person? If it is than it may take longer to heal. Is the person in good overall health or does she have other health issues that might prevent healing?Good luck. I hope she is feeling better soon.
this is normal because of the meds and/or chemo/radiation
Because of chemo and the cancer, the white blood cells are low and it causes the body to heal slower after a cut or surgery. Keep all doctor appointments and the doc should be able to help if there is something more serious going on.
Longer to heal due to the chemo/radiation and most importantly the immune system is compromised. It is therefore important that the patient have adequate nutrition and supplements to try to help the healing process.
because after an operation if there is cancer, and the person has had the radiation(I'm so sorry i forgot the term) therapy, it weakens their immune system, and therefore the person cannot recover as fast. At least, that's what my Grandma says.
It depends - before or after chemo. your Q is too general.
Is the patient diabetic?
If she had chemo before the surgery she will have a harder time healing b/c of the chemo breaking down her body's ability to heal itself as fast.
Failure to heal probably has more to do with a patients age and overall health. Children and younger adults seem to heal faster than older adults.My son who has a stage IV abdominal sarcoma has had three major surgeries. Two abdominal surgeries and a thoracic surgery. He has had hyperthermic chemoperfusion with cytoreductive surgery and was out of the hospital within 8 days. He had major surgery a few weeks ago and they replaced 90 percent of his diaphragm. He was out of the hospital within 6 days. So, in general younger people seem to heal faster . .within a few weeks of surgery. In fact when we were discussing this with his doctors they all planned his next treatment within two weeks after surgery. His wound is now completely healed.I do not know in your patient why it is taking so long for the wound to heal. Is it possible that the patient has an infection preventing the healing? Is this an older person? If it is than it may take longer to heal. Is the person in good overall health or does she have other health issues that might prevent healing?Good luck. I hope she is feeling better soon.
this is normal because of the meds and/or chemo/radiation
Because of chemo and the cancer, the white blood cells are low and it causes the body to heal slower after a cut or surgery. Keep all doctor appointments and the doc should be able to help if there is something more serious going on.
Longer to heal due to the chemo/radiation and most importantly the immune system is compromised. It is therefore important that the patient have adequate nutrition and supplements to try to help the healing process.
because after an operation if there is cancer, and the person has had the radiation(I'm so sorry i forgot the term) therapy, it weakens their immune system, and therefore the person cannot recover as fast. At least, that's what my Grandma says.
It depends - before or after chemo. your Q is too general.
Is the patient diabetic?
If she had chemo before the surgery she will have a harder time healing b/c of the chemo breaking down her body's ability to heal itself as fast.
Why is the head on my penis dry?
hey, im new to this whole asking for help thing on any site but i feel im in desperate need for help.will i had unprotected sex if a virgin girl 3 days ago, the frist day my penis was fine the 2nd day i saw two kinda like small dry spot on the head of my penis i took and shower and washed it with soap(dove).The 3rd day the 2 dry spot were still there i rubbed then to see what would happen and the head of my penis was dry and flaky i put vaseline on it so hopefully that will do something.but i want to treat this with out going to a doctor unless its serious (embarassed) additional info -yes i masturbat-has had unprotected sex before with my exgirlfriend and yes she was clean (i hope) for the most part i think she was .-yes i am circumcised i hope i gave you enough info to help ,please answer asap thank you for ur help
Don't dry crank your shaft. Use more grease, if you know what I mean.
There are a number of possibilities for this one;Firstly, sexually transmitted diseases often bring painful discharge, along with shooting pains and problems urinating. Masturbation will not generate spots or flaky skin - you do not say what type of spots, was there discharge?Of course with any medical condition/problem, trying to be accurate with diagnosis is impossible via these means - if it is still happening after a week, you have no choice, off to the doctor you must go.
Ok so i probably dont know that much about having a penis, but maybe i can help. first dont get overly worried. that wont help. are you sure that she was a virgin? if yes, try keeping it moisturized. if that does not make it go away, maybe you should go to the dr. try lotion when you masturbate. that might help. also, a penis is just like any other part of your body and it cant get dry and flakey. like i said, i dont know if this helps at all, but i wish you the best of luck.
Sounds to me that your virgin partner possibly had or has the starts of a yeast infection. It is very possible to spread a yeast infection to a male! For treatment I recommend monistat which you can you can buy over the counter. Apply to affected area of the penis twice a day until clear! Hope this helps!
well if the virgin girl was uh. . . unno ---
if there was not enuff lubrication maybe you gots a rugburn type thingor. . . perhaps you have a case of mongolian root rot - of which there is no cure
Don't dry crank your shaft. Use more grease, if you know what I mean.
There are a number of possibilities for this one;Firstly, sexually transmitted diseases often bring painful discharge, along with shooting pains and problems urinating. Masturbation will not generate spots or flaky skin - you do not say what type of spots, was there discharge?Of course with any medical condition/problem, trying to be accurate with diagnosis is impossible via these means - if it is still happening after a week, you have no choice, off to the doctor you must go.
Ok so i probably dont know that much about having a penis, but maybe i can help. first dont get overly worried. that wont help. are you sure that she was a virgin? if yes, try keeping it moisturized. if that does not make it go away, maybe you should go to the dr. try lotion when you masturbate. that might help. also, a penis is just like any other part of your body and it cant get dry and flakey. like i said, i dont know if this helps at all, but i wish you the best of luck.
Sounds to me that your virgin partner possibly had or has the starts of a yeast infection. It is very possible to spread a yeast infection to a male! For treatment I recommend monistat which you can you can buy over the counter. Apply to affected area of the penis twice a day until clear! Hope this helps!
well if the virgin girl was uh. . . unno ---
if there was not enuff lubrication maybe you gots a rugburn type thingor. . . perhaps you have a case of mongolian root rot - of which there is no cure
Why is the current round of colds/sore throats in the UK so virilent?
could it be linked to the oil seed rape pollen in local field cash crops
I,m just getting over it 5 days of fealing like **** but ok now
don;t know, i am fine, but i know that rape seed pollen sets my hayfever off when nothing else does.
I think they come in with all of the asylum seakers and from the influx of eastern Europeans.
Too many picking up the bugs overseas and bringing them back into the country.It would be better if it is only the oil seed rape and not a viral infection.Both will play havoc and can cause respiratory problems, but the rape will be going to seed shortly and problems should pass.
don't know what is going on but my 17yr old son has just spent 5 days in hospital with a very bad case of tonsillitis and he is 6 foot 2 and a very fit 14 stone.it was so bad they thought he had meningitis
It's has to do with the population being more compacted into a smaller area than most places and the closer genetic lines shared amongst people in the U.K.
I,m just getting over it 5 days of fealing like **** but ok now
don;t know, i am fine, but i know that rape seed pollen sets my hayfever off when nothing else does.
I think they come in with all of the asylum seakers and from the influx of eastern Europeans.
Too many picking up the bugs overseas and bringing them back into the country.It would be better if it is only the oil seed rape and not a viral infection.Both will play havoc and can cause respiratory problems, but the rape will be going to seed shortly and problems should pass.
don't know what is going on but my 17yr old son has just spent 5 days in hospital with a very bad case of tonsillitis and he is 6 foot 2 and a very fit 14 stone.it was so bad they thought he had meningitis
It's has to do with the population being more compacted into a smaller area than most places and the closer genetic lines shared amongst people in the U.K.
Why is the curitas test done?
Cirug铆a de curitas is the Spanish term for Pelvic laparoscopy. It is used both for diagnosis and for treatment and may be recommended for:Pelvic pain due to:
Uterine tissue found outside the uterus in the abdomen (endometriosis)
Infections (pelvic inflammatory disease) not responsive to drug therapy
Suspected twisting (torsion) of an ovary
Ovarian cyst
Scar tissue (adhesions) in pelvis
Perforation (puncture) of the uterus following D and C or by an IUD
Evaluation of infertility
Sterilization (tubal ligation)
Evaluation and removal of an abnormal pelvic mass that was confirmed by abdominal ultrasound
Removal of uterine fibroids (myomectomy)
Removal of uterus (hysterectomy)
Surgical treatment of tubal pregnancy
Evaluation of a woman who may have appendicitis or salpingitis
It's a twelve minute test , basically done with litmus paper and a few drops of the persons blood, and can tell you if you are HIV positive instead of waiting three to four weeks for results. It can also be used for other things as Sandy below me has stated. But in general it is used as I said ,as a quick means to a HIV test...
Why is that i am having pain in my chest and i am getting Dizzy?
I'm feeling sharp pain in my arms to now and heart is feeling wiered
sounds like youre shi+ outta luck then...hurry up and write a will, take some sleeping pills, and lay down, hopefully you can die in your sleep.OR the alternative is to stop fuc*ing around online and find your sorry azz a way to the ER...your choice...oh and ha ha, i looked at your profile...and you need to get your story straight...you just asked a question about baby mama drama, sayin u make a million dollars a month...lol well, if u make a mil a month, you should be able to get to an ER just fine...i swear you people just need to find a better hobby then comin up with lame *** question online...go get a girlfriend, or at least a life.
the real question is.. are you drunk?
probly something to do witht he hearty and brain. you might want to get it checked out.
CALL 911 or Go to the EMERGENCY ROOM
It sounds like you're not getting enough oxygen to your brain. Get to the hospital.
this is may be u got heart problem .when some one had heart problem the heart is not pumping well it will cause the blood unable to supply to the brain and cause dizzy. so u better seek medical immediately to prevent u get attack again and this incident will cause u accident also.
sounds like youre shi+ outta luck then...hurry up and write a will, take some sleeping pills, and lay down, hopefully you can die in your sleep.OR the alternative is to stop fuc*ing around online and find your sorry azz a way to the ER...your choice...oh and ha ha, i looked at your profile...and you need to get your story straight...you just asked a question about baby mama drama, sayin u make a million dollars a month...lol well, if u make a mil a month, you should be able to get to an ER just fine...i swear you people just need to find a better hobby then comin up with lame *** question online...go get a girlfriend, or at least a life.
the real question is.. are you drunk?
probly something to do witht he hearty and brain. you might want to get it checked out.
CALL 911 or Go to the EMERGENCY ROOM
It sounds like you're not getting enough oxygen to your brain. Get to the hospital.
this is may be u got heart problem .when some one had heart problem the heart is not pumping well it will cause the blood unable to supply to the brain and cause dizzy. so u better seek medical immediately to prevent u get attack again and this incident will cause u accident also.
Why is sprite or ginger ale supposed to make an upset stomach feel better?
ginger is the real secret. ginger calms an upset stomach and balances out body funtions.
its a known home remedy. it just works simple as that.
ever since I was a child I drink Ginger ale..when Iam sick.. I think cause it doesnt have a Heavy Taste...
I'm not sure who told you sprite, but the ginger in ginger ale is a relatively well known remedy for an upset stomach - in fact, there are studies using it for pregnant women to relieve their morning sickness. Sprite is probably along the same level as Pepsi or coke - if you drink it flat, the syrup can help coat your stomach, relieving certain symptoms, though I've never heard of Sprite used for this. Usually it is CocaCola, though with some of the issues in the late 90's, early 2000's, you're best off with Ginger Ale (see sources).
Why is snoring called "snoring?"?
I became interested while watching an episode of The Simpsons.
thats what it sounds like.snoooooore.ssnnnnoo...
Snoring occurs when air does not flow smoothly through the air passages, or when the soft tissues or muscles in your air passages vibrate. As you fall into a deep sleep, the muscles in your tongue, throat and roof of your mouth (soft palate) relax. This muscle relaxation causes your throat tissues to sag. As you breathe, the sagging tissues narrow your airway and vibrate or flutter, creating the sound of snoring. The narrower your airway becomes, the greater the vibration...and the louder your snoring.
thats what it sounds like.snoooooore.ssnnnnoo...
Snoring occurs when air does not flow smoothly through the air passages, or when the soft tissues or muscles in your air passages vibrate. As you fall into a deep sleep, the muscles in your tongue, throat and roof of your mouth (soft palate) relax. This muscle relaxation causes your throat tissues to sag. As you breathe, the sagging tissues narrow your airway and vibrate or flutter, creating the sound of snoring. The narrower your airway becomes, the greater the vibration...and the louder your snoring.
Why is smoking bad?
i have to do it for a school project
I think.. smoking is terrible.. leads to lung cancer.. and lots of other health complications.. and if you stop you still have the tobacco in the lungs that can still cause cancer and other stuff.. there are so many terrible ingredients in cigarettes its not even funny.. Toilet bowl cleaner, nail polish remover, rat poisoning.. and tons and tons more.. and plus its addicting.. it rots your teeth if you smoke.. tons.. and that's basic knowledge I know from smoking
Hi ,
You need to know information about taking care of your health by yourself. You can do it at http://letdiet.blogspot.com It's about the diet , diet pill, health information, ways to lose weight, ways to use calories effectually. If you realize that site is good, Let's share to everyone for better life.
Research emphysema. My father died from it. He smoked all of his life and refused to stop even ten years after being diagnosed. By the time he finally quit it was too late. He couldn't walk from the kitchen table to the sink without gasping for air. That's just one of the many reasons a person shouldn't smoke. Most people have that "it won't happen to me" syndrome. Unfortunately things do happen and eventually they will. Good luck with your project.
In short, it destroys the lungs making it hard to breath leading to your death.
Because sigarette smoke contains a lot of cancerogenous factors! Smoke irritates throat and bronchial tubes epitelial tissue. It can cause more than 30 kinds of cancer, besides enfisema and other serious diseases.
Smoking is bad because it has a negative effect on health and consequences shows later in life..Check this site:http://www.quitsmoking.com.ph/faq.htm...
A good source to quotehttp://www.lungusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=dvl...
here is the link for great info.
Smoking is VERY bad, for the person smoking %26 the people around them breathing the second hand smoke. You can get tons of information from the American Lung Association.
Cigarets contain rat poison and lots of other bad stuff, would you eat rat poison? No, not unless you want to die...so don't smoke it either. Good Luck
on what planet are u living on?
I think.. smoking is terrible.. leads to lung cancer.. and lots of other health complications.. and if you stop you still have the tobacco in the lungs that can still cause cancer and other stuff.. there are so many terrible ingredients in cigarettes its not even funny.. Toilet bowl cleaner, nail polish remover, rat poisoning.. and tons and tons more.. and plus its addicting.. it rots your teeth if you smoke.. tons.. and that's basic knowledge I know from smoking
Hi ,
You need to know information about taking care of your health by yourself. You can do it at http://letdiet.blogspot.com It's about the diet , diet pill, health information, ways to lose weight, ways to use calories effectually. If you realize that site is good, Let's share to everyone for better life.
Research emphysema. My father died from it. He smoked all of his life and refused to stop even ten years after being diagnosed. By the time he finally quit it was too late. He couldn't walk from the kitchen table to the sink without gasping for air. That's just one of the many reasons a person shouldn't smoke. Most people have that "it won't happen to me" syndrome. Unfortunately things do happen and eventually they will. Good luck with your project.
In short, it destroys the lungs making it hard to breath leading to your death.
Because sigarette smoke contains a lot of cancerogenous factors! Smoke irritates throat and bronchial tubes epitelial tissue. It can cause more than 30 kinds of cancer, besides enfisema and other serious diseases.
Smoking is bad because it has a negative effect on health and consequences shows later in life..Check this site:http://www.quitsmoking.com.ph/faq.htm...
A good source to quotehttp://www.lungusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=dvl...
here is the link for great info.
Smoking is VERY bad, for the person smoking %26 the people around them breathing the second hand smoke. You can get tons of information from the American Lung Association.
Cigarets contain rat poison and lots of other bad stuff, would you eat rat poison? No, not unless you want to die...so don't smoke it either. Good Luck
on what planet are u living on?
Why is Singulair recommended to be taken at bedtime, is it more effective that way?
The only one I know is a cell phone service.
If what you taking about says that it is to be taken at bedtime, there is a reason for it. If you really are concerned about this, see the pharmacist at the drug store or you doctor.
I'm not sure, but probably to help you sleep through the night. My allergies are worst when I'm lying down, so the Singulair people probably recommend taking it at night so it'll be at its strongest when you need it most.
You'd have to ask my brother he takes it, I don't. Lol!Honestly I'm not sure and I use to take it when I was younger.
So I can get to work during the night so when you wake up you will fell relieved
Why is ring worms so dangerous?
Ringworm is not very dangerous, but it is very contagious. He probably got in from someone at school, either someone touched his neck, or his neck touched something that someone else touched. A doctor can prescribe an ointment that will clear it up pretty quickly.
It's a fungus like athlete's foot.It's dangerous, because it can go into your blood stream. I've heard if it gets to your heart it can kill you.
its a fungus growth that you can get from someone else that has it, or from someone elses sweat, its a common thing for wrestlers to have ring worm from the exchange of sweat.
you can go to the drug store and buy anti-fungal cream that will clear it up. or you can go to the doctor and get a prescription, but the otc stuff works just as good.
Ringworm is a fungus infection. It is not caused by aworm. Ringworm infects the scalp, nails, or the skin.The way ringworm looks and acts depends on thetype of fungus present and its location on the body.Ringworm is not dangerous, but treatment is neededso it does not spread.
I got sent from home when I was in third grade. My doctor painted a ring around in and she gave me a note to get back in school. That was that. Apparently it is very contagious. No bid deal.
Dermatophytoses are fungal infections of keratin in the skin and nails (nail infection is called tinea unguium鈥擮nychomycosis). Symptoms and signs vary by site of infection. Diagnosis is by clinical appearance and by examination of skin scraping on potassium hydroxide wet mount. Treatment varies by site but always involves topical or oral antifungal drugs.
Domestic pet animals are generally the carriers of fungus infection.
Ringworm is not very dangerous, but it is very contagious. He probably got in from someone at school, either someone touched his neck, or his neck touched something that someone else touched. A doctor can prescribe an ointment that will clear it up pretty quickly.
It's a fungus like athlete's foot.It's dangerous, because it can go into your blood stream. I've heard if it gets to your heart it can kill you.
its a fungus growth that you can get from someone else that has it, or from someone elses sweat, its a common thing for wrestlers to have ring worm from the exchange of sweat.
you can go to the drug store and buy anti-fungal cream that will clear it up. or you can go to the doctor and get a prescription, but the otc stuff works just as good.
Ringworm is a fungus infection. It is not caused by aworm. Ringworm infects the scalp, nails, or the skin.The way ringworm looks and acts depends on thetype of fungus present and its location on the body.Ringworm is not dangerous, but treatment is neededso it does not spread.
I got sent from home when I was in third grade. My doctor painted a ring around in and she gave me a note to get back in school. That was that. Apparently it is very contagious. No bid deal.
Dermatophytoses are fungal infections of keratin in the skin and nails (nail infection is called tinea unguium鈥擮nychomycosis). Symptoms and signs vary by site of infection. Diagnosis is by clinical appearance and by examination of skin scraping on potassium hydroxide wet mount. Treatment varies by site but always involves topical or oral antifungal drugs.
Domestic pet animals are generally the carriers of fungus infection.
Why is prolonged exposure to radiation so dangerous?
come on you know this one, is so easy guys
Very simple. One of the things that can cause mutation in a normal cell is.you guessed it.radiation! So, the same thing used to treat cancer can also cause it. The longer the cells in your body are exposed to the radiation, the more likely they will be damaged.
Very simple. One of the things that can cause mutation in a normal cell is.you guessed it.radiation! So, the same thing used to treat cancer can also cause it. The longer the cells in your body are exposed to the radiation, the more likely they will be damaged.
Why is pancreatitis associated with gall stones?
I got pancreatitis from gall stones and gall sludge. A stone got trapped in the pancreatic duct, causing the pancreatic enzymes to back up in the pancreas. It was incredibly painful and has caused many related health conditions, one being diabetes to develop. If you believe you have gall bladder disease, think seriously about having your gall bladder removed. They can do it now with bandaid surgery, and the recovery time is minimal.
Pancreastits is often caused by gall stones. A gallstones can block the secretions from the pancreas. If you have a gallstone plugging up your panacea's, it's quickly going to get inflamed or swell up. Which is what pancreatitis is. (Inflamed pancreas).
Why is our urine yellow ?
Sorry for this question, but I really wonder why ...
drink more water then it will be pure.by the way, i dont know...^_^
you dont drink enough water
it should be clear
because you don't drink enough water.
I think it just has to do with the wastes that we get rid of. The wastes are yellow and make our urine appear yellow. If you drink too much water, it balances it out and makes it appear more clear.
when you drink enough water it will be come clear showing that you are well hydrated.
try not to eat and just drink water, your urine would be clear, no color..the yellow color caused by the food that we eat :)maybe from medications too.
Because it's a natural coloring in order to signify that one should not eat the yellow snow;) LOL
You got not enough water in your body, you can be dehydrated so drink a lot of water.
water flushes out our bodies and our kidneys filter all the impurities and send it off to be wizzed out
what I understand by my doctor is that the body is not getting enough water more more water you drink the clearer the urning
It's not always. Mine is sometimes white.
Some foods we eat cause urine to be more yellow. Also drinking alot of water helps to make it more clearer.
drink more water then it will be pure.by the way, i dont know...^_^
you dont drink enough water
it should be clear
because you don't drink enough water.
I think it just has to do with the wastes that we get rid of. The wastes are yellow and make our urine appear yellow. If you drink too much water, it balances it out and makes it appear more clear.
when you drink enough water it will be come clear showing that you are well hydrated.
try not to eat and just drink water, your urine would be clear, no color..the yellow color caused by the food that we eat :)maybe from medications too.
Because it's a natural coloring in order to signify that one should not eat the yellow snow;) LOL
You got not enough water in your body, you can be dehydrated so drink a lot of water.
water flushes out our bodies and our kidneys filter all the impurities and send it off to be wizzed out
what I understand by my doctor is that the body is not getting enough water more more water you drink the clearer the urning
It's not always. Mine is sometimes white.
Some foods we eat cause urine to be more yellow. Also drinking alot of water helps to make it more clearer.
Why is my urine so bloody?
when i pee it come out dark blood but only a little comes out
You have a Bladder infection or possibly a Kidney infection - go see your doctor and let them give you a course of antibiotics to clear it up. It won't go away on its own - so Please go see a Dr.
You most likely have a UTI that has gone on too long. You need to see a doctor ASAP.
Sounds like either a really bad Urinary Tract Infection or possibley a bladder or kidney infection. You really need to get to a dr or urinologist asap before it gets so bad that it causes whatever part it is coming from to stop working.
That is something that you will need to speak with your doctor about. No one can give you a definite answer unless some tests are made. See him or her as soon as possible. You want to get rid of this possible infection as soon as possible.
Blood in the urine is also a strong indication of a kidney stones. Do you have any back pain?
could be something to do with your prostrate or could be an infection. either way you should go and see your doctor to get it checked out. its probably nothing serious.
Go to your nearest community hospital acute care clinic and get it checked, NOW!
u r either got vd or u got stones in ur urinary bladder.u need to drink lots of water if u got stones(undissolved salts),check with ur DR asap b4 it's too late.take care.
You have a Bladder infection or possibly a Kidney infection - go see your doctor and let them give you a course of antibiotics to clear it up. It won't go away on its own - so Please go see a Dr.
You most likely have a UTI that has gone on too long. You need to see a doctor ASAP.
Sounds like either a really bad Urinary Tract Infection or possibley a bladder or kidney infection. You really need to get to a dr or urinologist asap before it gets so bad that it causes whatever part it is coming from to stop working.
That is something that you will need to speak with your doctor about. No one can give you a definite answer unless some tests are made. See him or her as soon as possible. You want to get rid of this possible infection as soon as possible.
Blood in the urine is also a strong indication of a kidney stones. Do you have any back pain?
could be something to do with your prostrate or could be an infection. either way you should go and see your doctor to get it checked out. its probably nothing serious.
Go to your nearest community hospital acute care clinic and get it checked, NOW!
u r either got vd or u got stones in ur urinary bladder.u need to drink lots of water if u got stones(undissolved salts),check with ur DR asap b4 it's too late.take care.
Why is my throat producing a lot of mucus lately?
I was sick about a month ago and i still seem to be producing a lot of mucus. Every morning i have to cough up a loogie or blow my nose, it gets really annoying. Sometimes even the mucus gets stuck in between my throat and my voice starts going away or gets deeper and i have to cough or clear my throat. What can i do?
There are at least two of us here with the same problem that you describe, it all started with a cold and we are not able to clear it up. I have been on Ciprofloxin for 10 days, and it is still annoying me, now everyone says it is Allergies, I am taking Zyrtec for Allergies and the mucus is still here, no getting cleared up. What helps is taking a shower, preferably warm and that will loosen up the mucus somewhat and makes one feel better for a while. Musinex I will need to try that again. And that Apple cider concoction above is worth a try. Below you have a good description, however it has not healed itself now for more then 8 weeks, what we need is something to help it clear it up.
Drink organic cider vinegar with honey and Cayenne pepper.
You either have one of two problems: SARS or the bird flu virus. Go to the nearest hospital imediately.
In the respiratory tract, mucus is a critical component of the innate host defense system. On the airway epithelial cell surface, the sticky gel layer traps particles and the sol layer, which is predominantly water, contacts the surface of ciliated cells and permits moving of the gel out of the lower airways like an escalator so that it can ultimately be cleared by coughing or swallowing. Mucus also contains antibacterial agents to aid in its defense function. Pathogens and harmless proteins we inhale are thus removed from the respiratory tract and have a limited encounter with other immune components. In the bronchial airways, mucus is produced by surface epithelial cells with secretory features and a classical goblet shape, called goblet cells. Goblet cells produce mucins that are complexed with water in secretory granules and are released into the airway lumen. In the large airways, mucus is also produced by mucous glands. Under basal conditions, the columnar epithelial surface comprises a small percentage of goblet cells and a majority of ciliated cells. This structure provides adequate mucus to capture particles and remove them in the huge volumes of air we breathe. After infection or toxic exposure, the airway epithelium up regulates its mucous secretory ability, and we cough and bring up sputum. Subsequently, the airway epithelium recovers and returns to its normal state, goblet cells disappear, and coughing abates.
Critique of All Other Healing Systems
- Mucusless Diet Healing System Trilogy - Part 2
http://www.arnoldehret.org/healthclub/tr...That is on-line %26 a chapter from a book.
It seems that it contains some priciples that you would do well to consider.Anything that lowers the immune system makes one more vulnerable to all kinds of infection...How to Safeguard Your Health
- Choose Healthful Foods
- Moderate Exercise
%26gt; What About Smoking, Drugs, and Alcohol?
http://watchtower.org/e/19990708/article...And, mucus is a paradise for all kinds of pathogens!
A severe respiratory infection takes a long time to completely clear up. It sounds as though your sinuses were involved, and are producing a lot of drainage. While you're sleeping at night, the secretions build up and start draining in the throat. This is commonly known as post-nasal drip. This condition can become chronic. In other words, the original illness has produced a less severe, but certainly annoying symptom that seems to hang on. Talk to your doctor about it. The sinus drainage can also be caused by an allergy. There are a lot of medicines and OTC drugs that can alleviate your symptoms, whether they're from an infection or an allergy. Ask your doc which one would be best for you. Good luck!
There are at least two of us here with the same problem that you describe, it all started with a cold and we are not able to clear it up. I have been on Ciprofloxin for 10 days, and it is still annoying me, now everyone says it is Allergies, I am taking Zyrtec for Allergies and the mucus is still here, no getting cleared up. What helps is taking a shower, preferably warm and that will loosen up the mucus somewhat and makes one feel better for a while. Musinex I will need to try that again. And that Apple cider concoction above is worth a try. Below you have a good description, however it has not healed itself now for more then 8 weeks, what we need is something to help it clear it up.
Drink organic cider vinegar with honey and Cayenne pepper.
You either have one of two problems: SARS or the bird flu virus. Go to the nearest hospital imediately.
In the respiratory tract, mucus is a critical component of the innate host defense system. On the airway epithelial cell surface, the sticky gel layer traps particles and the sol layer, which is predominantly water, contacts the surface of ciliated cells and permits moving of the gel out of the lower airways like an escalator so that it can ultimately be cleared by coughing or swallowing. Mucus also contains antibacterial agents to aid in its defense function. Pathogens and harmless proteins we inhale are thus removed from the respiratory tract and have a limited encounter with other immune components. In the bronchial airways, mucus is produced by surface epithelial cells with secretory features and a classical goblet shape, called goblet cells. Goblet cells produce mucins that are complexed with water in secretory granules and are released into the airway lumen. In the large airways, mucus is also produced by mucous glands. Under basal conditions, the columnar epithelial surface comprises a small percentage of goblet cells and a majority of ciliated cells. This structure provides adequate mucus to capture particles and remove them in the huge volumes of air we breathe. After infection or toxic exposure, the airway epithelium up regulates its mucous secretory ability, and we cough and bring up sputum. Subsequently, the airway epithelium recovers and returns to its normal state, goblet cells disappear, and coughing abates.
Critique of All Other Healing Systems
- Mucusless Diet Healing System Trilogy - Part 2
http://www.arnoldehret.org/healthclub/tr...That is on-line %26 a chapter from a book.
It seems that it contains some priciples that you would do well to consider.Anything that lowers the immune system makes one more vulnerable to all kinds of infection...How to Safeguard Your Health
- Choose Healthful Foods
- Moderate Exercise
%26gt; What About Smoking, Drugs, and Alcohol?
http://watchtower.org/e/19990708/article...And, mucus is a paradise for all kinds of pathogens!
A severe respiratory infection takes a long time to completely clear up. It sounds as though your sinuses were involved, and are producing a lot of drainage. While you're sleeping at night, the secretions build up and start draining in the throat. This is commonly known as post-nasal drip. This condition can become chronic. In other words, the original illness has produced a less severe, but certainly annoying symptom that seems to hang on. Talk to your doctor about it. The sinus drainage can also be caused by an allergy. There are a lot of medicines and OTC drugs that can alleviate your symptoms, whether they're from an infection or an allergy. Ask your doc which one would be best for you. Good luck!
Why is my snot still green even though my cold is finished?
I have had a really nasty cold for a few days which gave me lots of sticky green snot. Even though it feels like the cold is over (my head is clear, cough and sore throat gone) I'm still getting green snot. It's the kind of "productive snot" which feels really good to blow out. Why is this symptom lingering? Will it take long to go away?
Green snot is a sign of infection. Clear snot is normal.
snot is always green DUH!
make a snot vid and put it on youtube.
Your cold may be gone but the virus is not!
You may have a sinus infection. If you still have green snot on Monday, I would suggest that you go to a doctor or a clinic and have a doctor take a look at you and maybe get some antibiotics.
Green snot is a sign of infection. Clear snot is normal.
snot is always green DUH!
make a snot vid and put it on youtube.
Your cold may be gone but the virus is not!
You may have a sinus infection. If you still have green snot on Monday, I would suggest that you go to a doctor or a clinic and have a doctor take a look at you and maybe get some antibiotics.
WhY Is mY neCk!!?
Hi, why is the back of my neck skin colour so dark skin where as the rest of my skin is fare brown i dont get it .. it is really dark !! AnY i deas!! not being funnY but i dont eat red meat is this the cause !! sori i know i'm off my tracks a bit, but i dont know helP plz... cheers
If you have short hair and you are out and about all the time, it is probably a sun tan. It doesn't matter whether the weather is good or not, if it is exposed to the elements, there is still a good chance of it tanning. Farmers, builders, fishermen etc all have dark weather worn skin and we all know that they work all weathers.
you tried washing it
Becuase you're a redneck. Budum Tish.
If you have short hair and you are out and about all the time, it is probably a sun tan. It doesn't matter whether the weather is good or not, if it is exposed to the elements, there is still a good chance of it tanning. Farmers, builders, fishermen etc all have dark weather worn skin and we all know that they work all weathers.
you tried washing it
Becuase you're a redneck. Budum Tish.
Why is my heartbeat so slow?
The causes of possible Bradycardia (slow heart rate ) are as follows:Causes of BradycardiaThe chances of developing bradycardia increase as a person ages. Causes include: * Normal age-related changes
* Damage caused by heart attack
* Other medical conditionsMany people with bradycardia have heart disease. Some people have coronary heart disease (hardening of the arteries). Others have different heart problems, such as: * Long-term high blood pressure (hypertension)
* Abnormalities of the heart valves (thin tissues that keep blood flowing in one direction through the heart,( about heart valve disease.)
* Pericarditis, which is inflammation of the sac like covering of the heart (pericardium)
* Abnormalities of the heart's pumping functionSome people who have bradycardia don't have underlying heart disease. The cause is often unknown. Possible causes include: * An overactive thyroid or other metabolic imbalance
* Abnormalities within individual heart cells
* Abnormal electrical properties of groups of heart cells
* Emphysema or other lung diseases
How slow? how many beats in a minute? It can be a very good thing: it is called sport bradicardia and it means that your heart works so efficiently that it needs less beats to push blood in your body! Technically your sistolic gittate increases and frequency reduces. What is important is that your cardiac gittate is good! Cardiac gittate = sistolic gittate x frequency
there is a multitude of answers for this question. you need to be more specific. do you exercise, are you in good health? do you take meds. does your heartbeat so slowly that you have symptoms like dizziness, lightheaded, clammy skin, etc. see a doctor if it worries you.
Details please!
If you're fit and run alot it's not a problem at all, but if you're not, then i have no idea... LOL
Your are either a super athlete, or need to be checked for bradycardia.
People that are extremely physically fit have low resting heart rates, sometimes as low as the 40's.Sometimes medication can cause it, like beta blockers (drugs that end in lol.ie: metoprolol) or digoxin, or calcium channel blockers.Sometimes it's a problem with the electrical conduction pathways in the heart being "blocked"If you feel sympotomatic..dizzy, light headed, nauseous, fatigued, flu like feeling.go to the Doc to be checked out. If you feel fine, chances are, you are fine.
Why is my girlfriend bleeding during intercourse, almost everytime?
She reconcs its my size, but i dont think i'm that big
Is she taking a contraceptive pill? If so, this may be the reason because it can cause a condition called cervical erosion. The pill can make the wall of the cervix thin and not very strong.During intercourse this wall can get rubbed and pushed and this can cause it too bleed. She should go to a doctor and get check out.Hope this helps
Start off gentle with her. Work it all up. Don't just ram on in there.If she says you're too big, you're being too rough. Listen to her.
It really could be your size. Thats the problem my boyfriend and I had. But it may not be your problem, it could be her vagina. The bleeding won't last forever.
If you're her first there's always a chance of some bleeding. Something about breaking the hymen or something. It's perfectly normal. If it goes on for too long then maybe she should check with the doc maybe have a smear test to rule any problems out.
If she's bleeding and has pain, it could be an imperforate hymen. This is a condition where the skin of the hymen is much tougher and thicker than normal and doesn't rupture with intercourse. She should go to a gynecologist and get checked out. Make sure she finds one that will really listen and not just blow her off.
Causes of Bleeding during or after sex:
Vaginal infection
Sexually transmitted diseases
Rough sex
Male penile bleeding - the blood may be from the man rather than the woman.
Blood in semen
Cervix disorders
Cervical polyps
Cervix erosion
Cervix cancer
Blood clotting disorders
Certain blood diseases
Uterine cancer
Certain medications hope this helps
There are many reasons for this and it should be checked out by a doctor to eliminate the more serious ones x
it could be her vagina..and it could also be your SiZe ..but perhaps you should have a longer foreplay, till she's really ready before you start your intercouse session.. it could be you started the main course too fast before finishing your appetizer xD .. go slow and if she still bleeds after 2-3 more times.. i suggest you bring her to the doc and get her to go for check up. ok! xD
Is she taking a contraceptive pill? If so, this may be the reason because it can cause a condition called cervical erosion. The pill can make the wall of the cervix thin and not very strong.During intercourse this wall can get rubbed and pushed and this can cause it too bleed. She should go to a doctor and get check out.Hope this helps
Start off gentle with her. Work it all up. Don't just ram on in there.If she says you're too big, you're being too rough. Listen to her.
It really could be your size. Thats the problem my boyfriend and I had. But it may not be your problem, it could be her vagina. The bleeding won't last forever.
If you're her first there's always a chance of some bleeding. Something about breaking the hymen or something. It's perfectly normal. If it goes on for too long then maybe she should check with the doc maybe have a smear test to rule any problems out.
If she's bleeding and has pain, it could be an imperforate hymen. This is a condition where the skin of the hymen is much tougher and thicker than normal and doesn't rupture with intercourse. She should go to a gynecologist and get checked out. Make sure she finds one that will really listen and not just blow her off.
Causes of Bleeding during or after sex:
Vaginal infection
Sexually transmitted diseases
Rough sex
Male penile bleeding - the blood may be from the man rather than the woman.
Blood in semen
Cervix disorders
Cervical polyps
Cervix erosion
Cervix cancer
Blood clotting disorders
Certain blood diseases
Uterine cancer
Certain medications hope this helps
There are many reasons for this and it should be checked out by a doctor to eliminate the more serious ones x
it could be her vagina..and it could also be your SiZe ..but perhaps you should have a longer foreplay, till she's really ready before you start your intercouse session.. it could be you started the main course too fast before finishing your appetizer xD .. go slow and if she still bleeds after 2-3 more times.. i suggest you bring her to the doc and get her to go for check up. ok! xD
Why is my face so shiny when i use proactive? and how long dose it take to work?
I was told it took 6-8 weeks to see any results. I don't know about the shiny, but they do have an oil control lotion that you put on before the moisturizer that should help that.
Hmmm...do you usually have oily skin? I use proactiv and I find it can sometimes make your face shiny when using the toner lotion. Did you just start? If you just started give it a few more days to lessen up on being so shiny. Also, if you do find yourself with excess amount of oil on your face, then simply blot with one-ply toilet paper, that will get the excess oil off. Finally, if you are using a moisturizer lotion with the toner, then you might be adding excess moisture creating the shine. Try cutting back a little on your toner or moisturizer, if you are using it. I use a small amount of SPF 15 moisturizer, bc proactiv's products did not have any SPF protection and you need that for your face. But this problem really just sounds normal part of using the proactiv. Hope this helps.
yeah it cleans you out and since its a really specialized product, it digs deep in your pores and gets rid of ALOT!
doubt it but dont worry
If you wash your face with any face wash, afterwards your face will be shiny. it just means that your face is clean
because proactive is moist and like a goo and it glares
MMM... normally happens with any new facial soap. It cleans up what you were trying to get rid of, so your face looks shinier than it used to.
you might be overusing it. like since its not just soap, if you wash your face like 458 times a day it over stimulates the poors and makes them actually produce MORE oil. depends how sensitive your skin is.
hey, well i use proactiv too and my face does that a lot. I buy these Biore face cloths that are already wet and use them right after i use my proactiv and it seems to work really well!! good luck!!
It's robbing your face of it's natural oils and your skin is subsequently, producing more. That is normal. I use those blue oil blotting sheets in the drug store throughout the day when my face gets shiny.
Proactive is not for everyone,
I thought i had oily skin and achne was from that, but I found out from a skin care consultant who looked at mt skin from a skin analyser machine and found my skin was severely dehydrated. the treatment was opposite of what it appeared to need. I started cleansing, toning, and moisturizing and now i have clear skin that looks normal everyday.
ya most face washes do that. but if lasts a long time, like more than an hour, you might be washing your face too much. wash it like once a day, i usually do at night, so my face is never shiny during the day
Its probably too strong for your skin. It is likely drying your skin out which causes it to produce more oil. I had the same problem. Try the gentle formula.
Shiny is good.. look like the celebs.
Why is my eye red , swollen and watery?
I went home on my lunch hour for a nap. i was watching tv and out of nowhere my right eye was watery and burning and it was swollen.
allergies...or might be pink eye but i doubt it. ask a doctor if you're really worried!
allergies 鈾?
allergies, pink eye (which i highly doubt), or you have some thing in it like a animal hair like cat or dogs. those irrate my eys like crazy. since they are so thin and and a light color you cant really tell they are there... you have to look at your eye at an angle.. hope that helped.
Does your back hurt? Maybe Iritis from AS.
allergies...or might be pink eye but i doubt it. ask a doctor if you're really worried!
allergies 鈾?
allergies, pink eye (which i highly doubt), or you have some thing in it like a animal hair like cat or dogs. those irrate my eys like crazy. since they are so thin and and a light color you cant really tell they are there... you have to look at your eye at an angle.. hope that helped.
Does your back hurt? Maybe Iritis from AS.
Why is it, everytime I eat something, I have to use the bathroom (number 2) immediately afterwards?
Do I have some kind of digestive disorder? Oh and also, I DO know I have G.E.R.D. (gastrointestinal esophageal reflux disease) it's pretty bad and I regurgitate my food a lot. But, could something else be wrong, like in the lower digestive tract too?
IBS, or a food or a high sugar diet. Try eating a lot of plain yogurt.
You seem to have a good digestive system, but if you are worried about try talking to a doctor.
Sounds like you have alotof "plumbing problems"...I would say go to a Doc and see "what's up" ( so to speak:)
You could be having giardiasis or malabsorption, IBD, protein losing enteropathy. Consult a gastroenterologist.
As long as there is no diarrhea or blood. Chron's disease is a thought but there is pain and blood. Hang in there. I wish I could really help. But if you just need someone to talk to, Im here
hey baby it's da diva here. so let me get this straight everytime you eat something you have to to right to the bathroom afterwards ? wow it can only mean 2 things that you don't eat healthy/work out regularly, and that you digestive system is messed up pretty badly. but i doubt it if you are allergic to anything. it's just that your system is messed up honey that's all. hope that i helped got to go love ya i'm out smootches.*
I suffer from some pretty bad well oppisite issues than you lets just say traffic jam.Me doctor told me about chewing and sallowing that helps you uhmm release I dont recall the specs on why, and well he wouldnt be the first doc that was wrong but something you might want to check into.
IBS, or a food or a high sugar diet. Try eating a lot of plain yogurt.
You seem to have a good digestive system, but if you are worried about try talking to a doctor.
Sounds like you have alotof "plumbing problems"...I would say go to a Doc and see "what's up" ( so to speak:)
You could be having giardiasis or malabsorption, IBD, protein losing enteropathy. Consult a gastroenterologist.
As long as there is no diarrhea or blood. Chron's disease is a thought but there is pain and blood. Hang in there. I wish I could really help. But if you just need someone to talk to, Im here
hey baby it's da diva here. so let me get this straight everytime you eat something you have to to right to the bathroom afterwards ? wow it can only mean 2 things that you don't eat healthy/work out regularly, and that you digestive system is messed up pretty badly. but i doubt it if you are allergic to anything. it's just that your system is messed up honey that's all. hope that i helped got to go love ya i'm out smootches.*
I suffer from some pretty bad well oppisite issues than you lets just say traffic jam.Me doctor told me about chewing and sallowing that helps you uhmm release I dont recall the specs on why, and well he wouldnt be the first doc that was wrong but something you might want to check into.
Why is it that water doesn't always quench my thirst?
I will drink several glasses when I am really thirsty but it doesn't work. The only thing that seems to help is a soda, I know this is very strange. I don't think its serious enough to go to a doctor, even if I did I couldn't anyway...Don't get on me about putting it in the wrong section, I have no idea where it is supposed to go.
When you're thirsty because you've been losing fluids through sweat, illness, diarrhea, etc., you're losing electrolytes in addition to water. If you are drinking only water, you are not replacing the electrolytes. Additionally, in the absorption of fluids, certain electrolytes, including sugar, will actually aide in the absorption of water in the intestinal tract. This has to do with the transporter systems in the intestinal epithelial cells in which the transport of water requires coexisting ligands such as these electrolytes. This may be why you feel drinking soda quenches your thirst better than water alone. Drinking sports drinks, (such as Gatorade as another answerer suggests) will be even more helpful because they contain various electrolytes you normally lose in sweat, and healthier than just regular soda.
you know what I find that the more water I drink the more I want too=surprising isn't it?
You probably need something that water can't give you - you should probably try Gatorade instead. Drink more water throughout the day because when you're really thirsty, that's your body telling you that you're not getting enough.
You could have posted your question under health. But posting it in this category is okay.
Blood sugar levels just above your target range may make you feel tired and thirsty. If your blood sugar level stays higher than normal, your body will adjust to that level. If your blood sugar continues to rise, your kidneys will produce more urine and you can become dehydrated. A 12 ounce of cola contains about ten teaspoons of simple sugars. This cause a quick rise in the blood sugar which cause an insulin burst; which make the liver respond by converting the excess sugars into fats.
Caffeine is a diuretic; causing the kidneys to make more urine. So while you may be thinking that a soda quenches your thirst and helps keep you hydrated, the opposite is true. They not only don't quench your thirst but makes you more thirsty. Moreover, soda often contains sodium, which exacerbates thirst, while the caffeine causes you to lose more fluid.
All carbonated sodas also contain calcium-leaching phosphoric acid, and so much acid in your system can tilt your pH balance to an unhealthy level. Healthy detoxification takes place in a slightly alkaline environment. Too much acidity will sabotage the detox process.
If you think I鈥檓 being an alarmist, try this experiment: Fill a glass with soda, diet or regular, and drop a nail into the glass. Watch it over the course of an hour or two. You鈥檒l find that the soda eats away at the nail in a surprisingly short amount of time. Now think of what it can do to living stomach tissue So technically, the caffeine in most soda drinks; acting as a diuretic causes the kidney to produce more urine. and thus dehydration or more thirst. Moreover, the high content of simple sugar in soda and sodium tend to draw out more water. thus causing more thirst.
Even though a lot of people who want to lose weight are drinking artificially sweetened drinks, a lot of these drinks - coffee, tea, sodas - contain caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic. It dehydrates you, causing your body to lose water. Remember, water = good. When you are dehydrated, low on internal liquid, your metabolism slows down. This means your body gets by on fewer calories and stores the rest as fat. Think it through: You get dehydrated, you get thirsty. You just drank a cup of tea, coffee, or soda, so you can't be thirsty, can you? Since your brain can't really tell the difference between hunger and thirst signals, it tells you to eat something when all that's really going on is that you need a drink of water.
Avoid dehydration by drinking lots of water or juice. On a hot day, don't wait until you are "dying of thirst" to drink. Alcoholic and carbonated beverages such as sodas are not good choices to quench your thirst. Alcohol impairs the body's sweat mechanism, and sodas may cause dehydration
When you're thirsty because you've been losing fluids through sweat, illness, diarrhea, etc., you're losing electrolytes in addition to water. If you are drinking only water, you are not replacing the electrolytes. Additionally, in the absorption of fluids, certain electrolytes, including sugar, will actually aide in the absorption of water in the intestinal tract. This has to do with the transporter systems in the intestinal epithelial cells in which the transport of water requires coexisting ligands such as these electrolytes. This may be why you feel drinking soda quenches your thirst better than water alone. Drinking sports drinks, (such as Gatorade as another answerer suggests) will be even more helpful because they contain various electrolytes you normally lose in sweat, and healthier than just regular soda.
you know what I find that the more water I drink the more I want too=surprising isn't it?
You probably need something that water can't give you - you should probably try Gatorade instead. Drink more water throughout the day because when you're really thirsty, that's your body telling you that you're not getting enough.
You could have posted your question under health. But posting it in this category is okay.
Blood sugar levels just above your target range may make you feel tired and thirsty. If your blood sugar level stays higher than normal, your body will adjust to that level. If your blood sugar continues to rise, your kidneys will produce more urine and you can become dehydrated. A 12 ounce of cola contains about ten teaspoons of simple sugars. This cause a quick rise in the blood sugar which cause an insulin burst; which make the liver respond by converting the excess sugars into fats.
Caffeine is a diuretic; causing the kidneys to make more urine. So while you may be thinking that a soda quenches your thirst and helps keep you hydrated, the opposite is true. They not only don't quench your thirst but makes you more thirsty. Moreover, soda often contains sodium, which exacerbates thirst, while the caffeine causes you to lose more fluid.
All carbonated sodas also contain calcium-leaching phosphoric acid, and so much acid in your system can tilt your pH balance to an unhealthy level. Healthy detoxification takes place in a slightly alkaline environment. Too much acidity will sabotage the detox process.
If you think I鈥檓 being an alarmist, try this experiment: Fill a glass with soda, diet or regular, and drop a nail into the glass. Watch it over the course of an hour or two. You鈥檒l find that the soda eats away at the nail in a surprisingly short amount of time. Now think of what it can do to living stomach tissue So technically, the caffeine in most soda drinks; acting as a diuretic causes the kidney to produce more urine. and thus dehydration or more thirst. Moreover, the high content of simple sugar in soda and sodium tend to draw out more water. thus causing more thirst.
Even though a lot of people who want to lose weight are drinking artificially sweetened drinks, a lot of these drinks - coffee, tea, sodas - contain caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic. It dehydrates you, causing your body to lose water. Remember, water = good. When you are dehydrated, low on internal liquid, your metabolism slows down. This means your body gets by on fewer calories and stores the rest as fat. Think it through: You get dehydrated, you get thirsty. You just drank a cup of tea, coffee, or soda, so you can't be thirsty, can you? Since your brain can't really tell the difference between hunger and thirst signals, it tells you to eat something when all that's really going on is that you need a drink of water.
Avoid dehydration by drinking lots of water or juice. On a hot day, don't wait until you are "dying of thirst" to drink. Alcoholic and carbonated beverages such as sodas are not good choices to quench your thirst. Alcohol impairs the body's sweat mechanism, and sodas may cause dehydration
Why is it that the inside of your hands cannot tan?
Maybe they don't have as much melonin or whatever it is that makes your skin go brown. Even somebody with naturally dark skin tends to have pale skin on their palms and the soles of their feet.
Well, you learn something new everyday. Either lack of pigment or exposure would seem to be logical, but if you slap on El Bronzo bogus tan or whatever, it should do the trick.
they probably would if we didnt have to use them all the time and when they are not in use the palms of your hands arent usualy facing the sun.
because the skin there is thicker than anywhere else.
no pigment
Why is it that some parts of my skin is olive when my natural skin color is caramel?
It is not obvious... but I just noticed that there is a spot on my thigh that is olive...and I have had this olive spot on my arm since I could remember (No, I do not have any type or form of skin cancer).. and I used to have this spot on my back that was olive... but now, I have two more... the spot is spreading a bit. What is going on? Is my skin looking its melanin?
www.skincaretipz.blogspot.com for all ur skin problems and acne n clear skin remedies...so many remedies for clear skin in the pink color links for u..try them and get clear problem free skin at home
www.skincaretipz.blogspot.com for all ur skin problems and acne n clear skin remedies...so many remedies for clear skin in the pink color links for u..try them and get clear problem free skin at home
Why is it that dont people think you can contract HIV from oral sex?
Some people seem to think that a "sexually transmitted disease" means that it can only be transmitted through actual intercourse. Of course this is false and all exchanges of infected bodily fluids can infect you with HIV or any other STD. Oral sex included.Practice safe sex, people!
A lot of people don't consider themselves sexually active if they only have oral sex.
Just possibly because the CDC says there has never been one confirmed cases caused by oral sex.STRAIGHT AIDS MYTH SHATTERED - New York PostNew York Post
March 19, 2004 THE public health experts - and their amen corner in the media - owe Helen Gurley Brown an apology.The legendary Cosmopolitan editor was vilified in 1993 when she published a piece called "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS." But she was right.Eleven years later, Details is asking: "Whatever Happened to AIDS and Straight Men?" The article states, "A disease-free man who has unprotected sex with a drug-free woman stands a one in 5 million chance of contracting HIV."The story by Kevin Gray also cites a joke that made the rounds of the New York City Department of Health as statistics came in showing that the predicted spread of AIDS to heterosexuals wasn't happening:
"What do you call a man who got HIV from his girlfriend? . . . A liar." "I feel somewhat vindicated," Brown told PAGE SIX.Michael Fumento, who wrote the original 1990 book titled "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS," said, "I'm not waiting for an apology. It's not going to happen."When Basic Books published Fumento's tome, "Distributors refused to handle it," he says. "Stores refused to carry it. And at many stores that did have it, clerks left it in the basement."
Celia Farber, who wrote an AIDS column in Spin magazine, was routinely attacked because she refused to rehash the propaganda put out by AmFAR and other groups.
"Everybody who was wrong got journalism awards. Everybody who was right got all but driven from the profession," Farber said.Farber exposed the conspiracy between profit-hungry drug companies, researchers who wanted more funding, homosexuals who didn't want the disease to be known as "the gay plague," and conservatives who wanted to turn back the sexual revolution. "They believed in what they were doing, not what they were saying," Fumento said. "They knew it was lies. They felt the end justified the means."At a recent editorial meeting at Seed, the new science magazine, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Laurie Garrett supposedly threatened to quit when a colleague suggested a story about Peter Duesberg, a leading retrovirologist.Duesberg lost his funding, his laboratory, and his students when he announced in 1987 that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. "He lost everything," said one insider. Duesberg switched to cancer research, and is now touted to win a Nobel Prize.
Its a lower risk activity but not a no risk activity. It is due to the direct exchange of bodily fluids and chance of blood contact. However, for safer practice condoms or dental damns should be used. This information has always been present in any sort of AIDS awareness information package I've seen.The same as lesbian sex is a lower risk activity, but not a no risk activity.If people don't know that, I guess that they don't consider it important to have all the facts.
Why is it said that if a person has molluscum contagiosum they may be likely to have other stds?
firstly molluscum contagiosum isnt even truly and std, so im confused there but even if you got it from sexual contact why would having it mean you are more likely to have other stds? ive also heard its a sighn that you could have aids? why the heck would it have anything to do with aids?
Several questions here.Mollusca can be passed on during sex, but they are also common in children who aren't sexually active. There are actually a few different molluscum viruses, some of which are more likely to be passed on sexually than others.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/molluscum_c...People with AIDS have a problem with a specific type of immune function, and bugs that are usually kept under control by that type of immune function can become a problem. One of those bugs is the molluscum virus. People with HIV-damaged immune systems tend to get more mollusca than people with normal immune systems.Mollusca tend to spread if they are cut or broken. People who shave their pubic hair sometimes nick a molluscum and spread them around the pubic area.Generally, if doctors identify one sexually transmissible infection it alerts them to look for others. However if you have mollusca it doesn't necessarily mean you have other STIs. They're very common.
Molluscum contagiosum is not a sign of AIDS, but is an infectious viral disease that can be spread during sexual intercourse.
Why is molluscum contagiosum linked with AIDS? Because people with AIDS can have a lot of them, as the viral infection is getting worse because their immunity is very low
Several questions here.Mollusca can be passed on during sex, but they are also common in children who aren't sexually active. There are actually a few different molluscum viruses, some of which are more likely to be passed on sexually than others.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/molluscum_c...People with AIDS have a problem with a specific type of immune function, and bugs that are usually kept under control by that type of immune function can become a problem. One of those bugs is the molluscum virus. People with HIV-damaged immune systems tend to get more mollusca than people with normal immune systems.Mollusca tend to spread if they are cut or broken. People who shave their pubic hair sometimes nick a molluscum and spread them around the pubic area.Generally, if doctors identify one sexually transmissible infection it alerts them to look for others. However if you have mollusca it doesn't necessarily mean you have other STIs. They're very common.
Molluscum contagiosum is not a sign of AIDS, but is an infectious viral disease that can be spread during sexual intercourse.
Why is molluscum contagiosum linked with AIDS? Because people with AIDS can have a lot of them, as the viral infection is getting worse because their immunity is very low
Why is it important to use a toilet seat cover when using a public toilet?
What are the health risks, if any?
urine is sterile when it comes out but becomes smelly and can easily attract bacteria, feces has harmful bacteria and you could possibly get STD if you don't use the cover properly
u want the skin on your bottom to come in direct contact with other peoples pee pee and poo poo?
To tell you the truth, there are no risks. People just don't want to put the butt on the toliet seat. I mean it is a little gross to sit on a toliet where 500 other people have already sat, but no real health risks.
cuz u dont know how many people have ejaculated on tha toilet seat
It's not really necessary- it's highly unlikely that you will ever contract any sort of disease or infection from a tiolet seat. It's simply a matter of personal preference and hygeine.
if you ever take a microbiology class youll find out there are millions of bacteria on every day things so imagine a toilet seat
ew. it's important because 1. it's gross to put your bare *** somewhere where someone who don't know had been sitting with there bare ***... 2. you can MANY diseases from public restrooms... such as:-SARS
-PARASITES (like pubic lice)
-INTESTINAL ILLNESSthat scares me enough to not use public restrooms... here in the dorm, I even spray the toilet w/ disenfectant before I use it.
Here's the thing about communicable diseases... they don't enter through the ***. They enter through nasal passages, eyes, and of course, the mouth. You are not going to catch anything from sitting on a toilet seat, uneless of course you mouth comes into direct contact with your rear. what you should be concerned about are the surfaces your hands come into contact with, because your hands eventually come into contact with one of the aforementioned places.
Also, I took a microbiolgy class in which we sampled and cultured different surfaces in a bathroom... toilet seat, sink, faucet handles, door handles, floor, etc. The direst place in a bathroom, the floor. The door handles were really bad too. The cleanest place... the toilet seat... I guess because no one sits on them. So, ladies, next time you're in a public restroom, don't worry too much about sitting down to pee, just make sure you don't put your purse on the floor!
urine is sterile when it comes out but becomes smelly and can easily attract bacteria, feces has harmful bacteria and you could possibly get STD if you don't use the cover properly
u want the skin on your bottom to come in direct contact with other peoples pee pee and poo poo?
To tell you the truth, there are no risks. People just don't want to put the butt on the toliet seat. I mean it is a little gross to sit on a toliet where 500 other people have already sat, but no real health risks.
cuz u dont know how many people have ejaculated on tha toilet seat
It's not really necessary- it's highly unlikely that you will ever contract any sort of disease or infection from a tiolet seat. It's simply a matter of personal preference and hygeine.
if you ever take a microbiology class youll find out there are millions of bacteria on every day things so imagine a toilet seat
ew. it's important because 1. it's gross to put your bare *** somewhere where someone who don't know had been sitting with there bare ***... 2. you can MANY diseases from public restrooms... such as:-SARS
-PARASITES (like pubic lice)
-INTESTINAL ILLNESSthat scares me enough to not use public restrooms... here in the dorm, I even spray the toilet w/ disenfectant before I use it.
Here's the thing about communicable diseases... they don't enter through the ***. They enter through nasal passages, eyes, and of course, the mouth. You are not going to catch anything from sitting on a toilet seat, uneless of course you mouth comes into direct contact with your rear. what you should be concerned about are the surfaces your hands come into contact with, because your hands eventually come into contact with one of the aforementioned places.
Also, I took a microbiolgy class in which we sampled and cultured different surfaces in a bathroom... toilet seat, sink, faucet handles, door handles, floor, etc. The direst place in a bathroom, the floor. The door handles were really bad too. The cleanest place... the toilet seat... I guess because no one sits on them. So, ladies, next time you're in a public restroom, don't worry too much about sitting down to pee, just make sure you don't put your purse on the floor!
Why is it every time i eat small things my stomach expands so quickly and of all of sudden i need to throw up?
This is something you need to have diagnosed by a professional SOON. Could be celiac. Could be gall bladder. Could be stomach or intestinal cancer.
Why is it easier to use drugs to cure bacterial diseases than those caused by fungi/protists/animal parasites?
Bacteria are prokaryotes, while fungi/protists/animal parasites are eukaryotes.Humans are also eukaryotes.Thus, bacteria are different from all of the rest. It is easier to make drugs to target this difference and in a way not affect the stuff that eukaryotes have.When you make drugs against fungi/protists/animal parasites, you target stuff that all eukaryotes, including humans, have in common. Therefore, humans can get more side effects from these medications since they are also eukaryotes.
I'm not sure if it is any easier or harder. there are plenty of good drugs for most of the bigger bugs, and some bacteria are becoming more and more difficult to treat. but, i suppose that we have more options against bacteria because humans have more genetic similarity to fungi/protozoa/helminths. differences between us and them could potentially be used as an antibiotic strategy.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Why is it dangerous to stop taking meds for diabetes?
There's no trick to it. If you stop taking your medications for diabetes, your sugar will most likely go out of control, and it may go very high indeed. In many diabetics (type 2) this will have few immediate consequences as long as you are eating and drinking well, but will dramatically increase the risk for complications of the disease later on (kidney disease, heart disease, blindness, neuropathy, poor wound healing, possible limb loss, etc.)
In type I diabetics however, there can be more immediate consequences. Without any insulin, these patients may go into DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) which can lead to coma and death if not treated.
Because it can make your sugar levels rise to a dangerous level . Uncontrolled diabetes can cause blindness, kidney damage, nerve damage, and sexual dysfunction just to name a few. Please don't stop taking your medication. See you physician to discuss options to make medication taking easier as well as untoward effects of stopping.
You blood sugar levels will rise, your body will not be able to cope with the levels and then you will go into a coma. your body will also become toxic when it starts trying to get energy it needs (but cannot extract from the blood) from digesting muscle. Ketoacidosis can be fatal.
I stoped taking my medicine and i got so sick i woke up one morning and just puked. my sugar was in the 600's
Your Gluecose levels will go out of control and you could go into a diabetic coma and die!
Because in both a Type I and Type II Diabetic, the pancreas does not function properly. Medication is the key to producing insulin. Without it, your blood sugars will get all out of whack, and can create a whole mess of problems.
your glucose could very high or very low .. this could make u in coma... and dead!
Check site below..
Why is it becoming increasingly important to immunise the human population against diseases as tuberculosis?
Diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) are communicable diseases, they are infectious. And they spread easily.As globalization occurs, more and more people cross borders every single day, and a single infected person could cause an international epidemic. As it is, even with TB immunizations so readily available, TB is still one of the top 3 killers (single agent) worldwide, killing 1.6 million people in 2002. Over 1/3 of the people in the world today have TB bacterium, and some do not even know it, and because they are spread so easily (by a single aerosol droplet which could be spread through talking or kissing) infections occur at a rate of one per second!An ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure.P.S. To answer to the guy above me, while it is true there is no known effective vaccine for adults, there are for children!
The tuberculosis vaccine has never been more than approximately 50% effective. It is not used in the US because it gives false positives on the PPD skin test.
There is an increased incidence in the US because of migration - mostly form Mexico, where the disease is very common. TB is a very underrated disease. It' one of the most common causes of death worldwide. There haven't been new medications develloped in the past 40 years, and there are new resistant strains that are becoming common.The vaccine is useful to prevent a few cases of disease, but more importantly, to prevent severe disease in the very young and the very old - in this it is effective, and widely used worldwide. It's not used in the US because it interferes with the skin test that's used to quickly diagnose TB.
Why is is that gay people are more susceptible to aids?
Dumb question, I know, but why is it that gay people contract aids more often than straight people?
actually gay people don't contract aids more often then straight people anymore. but in the early 80,s when this stereotype came about this was true there are a few reasons for this. 1 the first case of aids in America was traced back to a single airline steward who was gay and visited various bath houses all over the U.S. (bath houses were a place where gay men practiced open promiscuity).
2 it is easier to contract aids through anal sex because of tearing and blood (blood being the primary way to pass HIV).
however, since the 80, bathhouses have become illegal and gay men for the most part have become educated on prevention of and protection from HIV. in fact many gay men have led the fight against HIV in this country
Gay people are often more sexually promiscuous than straight people, and protection is used less frequently because there's no risk of pregnancy.
That isn't true.HIV does not distinguish people by groups. Its a virus. Like any virus it is transmitted in certain ways.HIV is spread through ignorance.HIV can easily be controlled. It is the direct result of human behaviour that allows this virus to kill millions of us.The problem is fools who continue to infect others once they have the misfortune of being infected. Gay or not, they are engaging in criminal behaviour and with prior knowledge.I couldn't infect you with ebola. I couldn't infect you with ebola intentionally or unintentionally. No one has the right to infect you or me.No one has an excuse to hide behind chessy explanations for bringing harm to a fellow citizens.Spreading HIV is criminal behaviour and needs to be addressed.
i have also heard that the anal sex many gays engage in is a much easier portal of entry for the virus right into the receivers blood system.
We are not more susceptible to contracting HIV.
actually gay people don't contract aids more often then straight people anymore. but in the early 80,s when this stereotype came about this was true there are a few reasons for this. 1 the first case of aids in America was traced back to a single airline steward who was gay and visited various bath houses all over the U.S. (bath houses were a place where gay men practiced open promiscuity).
2 it is easier to contract aids through anal sex because of tearing and blood (blood being the primary way to pass HIV).
however, since the 80, bathhouses have become illegal and gay men for the most part have become educated on prevention of and protection from HIV. in fact many gay men have led the fight against HIV in this country
Gay people are often more sexually promiscuous than straight people, and protection is used less frequently because there's no risk of pregnancy.
That isn't true.HIV does not distinguish people by groups. Its a virus. Like any virus it is transmitted in certain ways.HIV is spread through ignorance.HIV can easily be controlled. It is the direct result of human behaviour that allows this virus to kill millions of us.The problem is fools who continue to infect others once they have the misfortune of being infected. Gay or not, they are engaging in criminal behaviour and with prior knowledge.I couldn't infect you with ebola. I couldn't infect you with ebola intentionally or unintentionally. No one has the right to infect you or me.No one has an excuse to hide behind chessy explanations for bringing harm to a fellow citizens.Spreading HIV is criminal behaviour and needs to be addressed.
i have also heard that the anal sex many gays engage in is a much easier portal of entry for the virus right into the receivers blood system.
We are not more susceptible to contracting HIV.
Why is interferon used in the fight against infections diseases such as hiv?
Is not used anymore for HIV. It's a natural antiviral, your body produces it all the time when you have a viral infection. It's used in other infections as in hepatitis C.
PS: Il-2 (interleukin 2) it is used in investigational trials to increase the production of cd4's. This is not interferon, though. Both are cytokynes (compounds produced by the lymphocytes as a response to an antigen as a virus) but they have different uses. Interleukin -2 has been showed to actually increase the CD4's, but unfortunatelly no study shiwed yet that those CD4 are more effective in delivering immunity (as somebody who uses testosterone would have big muscles but will not be stronger- that's just an example-).
So again, interferon is the most useful substance against Hep C nowadays, in HIV positive patients is used alone (without ribavirin because of the interaction with the meds). It is a natural substance in our bodies but the one that is given extra is recombinant ( meaning a scientist copies the human substance and puts it in a bottle)
Hi there,Interferons, especially Interleukin-2 (Proleukin) is only approved for the treatment of certain types of cancer. It is still considered an experimental drug for HIV-related therapy and it has not yet been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in people living with the virus.Unlike drugs currently used to treat HIV, Proleukin does not attack the virus. Proleukin boosts the production and activity of several important immune system cells. These cells include T-cells (T4 cells and T8 cells), B-cells (which produce antibodies), macrophages, and natural killer cells (NK cells).
Researchers believe that Proleukin can be helpful to HIV-positive people in two ways: 1) to help protect the immune system from the damage caused by HIV, and 2) to help the immune system control HIV reproduction. Proleukin doesn't attack HIV. It helps T-cells and other important immune system cells (e.g., B-cells, macrophages, and natural killer cells) to grow. Many patients who have used Proleukin have seen large increases in their T-cell counts and other important cells.
Proleukin 鈥?particularly the intermediate and high doses 鈥?should be used in combination with anti-HIV drugs. This is because it can also cause viral load to increase in the absence of effective anti-HIV therapy.
In the past, Proleukin was found to increase T-cell counts in patients who had relatively high T-cell counts to begin with (i.e., greater than 200 cells/mm3). New research has shown that lower doses of the drug can be used to boost T-cell counts in patients with lower T-cell counts. In other words, Proleukin may have two advantages: 1) to protect the immune system in people who have normal T-cell counts, and 2) to restore the immune system in people who have low T-cell counts.
Some researchers believe that Proleukin will help HIV-positive people's immune systems gain better control HIV, even in the absence of anti-HIV drug therapy. This does not mean that Proleukin will be a cure. Researchers are attempting to "prime" the immune system to help keep HIV at low levels so that it won't cause additional damage to the immune system. Studies are now being conducted to examine this possibility.Hope this helps clarify things.Cheers.
another valid point is that many who have HIV also have HCV-some who opt to treat do so with antiviral chemotherapy which in this case interferon would be used.
interferon is a man made substance very close to our natural kind of interferon our bodies make. it is used to boost the immune fighting cells along with an oral medication-ribavirin. sometimes amantadine is used as well. There seems to be a good outcome regardless of a SVR in those dually infected as well. Ask your doctor for advice and good luck to you.
Why is Hydroquinone unsafe?
What does is do to the skin appart from lighten it?
does it cause cancer?
Also does the product fair and white contain it?
It has been found to be a carcinogen, so yes, it causes cancer. It also causes confetti sized areas of depigmentation (loss of color). This means it can lead to permanently blotchy skin with light and dark areas. It can also cause exogenous ochronosis which leads to darkened areas of the skin.No, Fair and White does not contain hydroquinone.Why not accept and love who you are? Your skin tone is a complete package that co-ordinates with your eyes and hair color.If you are considering tampering with your natural skin tone, I highly suggest you dish out the money to do it properly. See a dermatologist. Most store bought skin whitening products either don't work or they cause your skin to become permanently blotchy (some even cause allergies and/or burning leading to scarring). You are taking an extreme risk with a do-it-yourself product. Remember, your face is out there...up front and personal...you certainly don't want to do something where you will have to live with the results if it goes wrong. Be safe! See a dermatologist.
does it cause cancer?
Also does the product fair and white contain it?
It has been found to be a carcinogen, so yes, it causes cancer. It also causes confetti sized areas of depigmentation (loss of color). This means it can lead to permanently blotchy skin with light and dark areas. It can also cause exogenous ochronosis which leads to darkened areas of the skin.No, Fair and White does not contain hydroquinone.Why not accept and love who you are? Your skin tone is a complete package that co-ordinates with your eyes and hair color.If you are considering tampering with your natural skin tone, I highly suggest you dish out the money to do it properly. See a dermatologist. Most store bought skin whitening products either don't work or they cause your skin to become permanently blotchy (some even cause allergies and/or burning leading to scarring). You are taking an extreme risk with a do-it-yourself product. Remember, your face is out there...up front and personal...you certainly don't want to do something where you will have to live with the results if it goes wrong. Be safe! See a dermatologist.
Why is Hydrocortisone clearing up my acne?
I have had acne since I was 14, now I am 22, and still have it, but it is going away. My mom told me my acne was poison oak, I didn't believe her, but she said it cleared up my little sisters forehead so I tried it. Okay, and I am almost CLEAR! I mean completely except for a bunch of pin-point bumps and sores, but no real pimples at all. I have been using pro-activ, made it worse, I used Glytone from a dermatologist, acne free, clearasil, clean %26 clear, and many more other things. Could acne sometimes be caused by allergies? Is the hydrocortisone just taking out the oil?(which comes up even though I washed my face 3x day)-no more oily face now though. A $2 tube of knock off hydrocortisone really worked! I can even wear make up now without breaking out. I have used this only 5 nights.
I think that it is a steroid thats why. they help with acne but its something you dr must know about because its temporary and you have to be on it for a while.
Could you list what the product was? I want to see if it works! :)
Be careful using hydrocortisone. It can weaken your skin and cause color changes in your skin. It can also make you more likely to get an infection. Talk to your dermatologist . maybe you don't have acne.
i dont think it was acne u were dealing with, ur mom was probly rite..
ur skin is guna turn weak if u keep using it!!
I think that it is a steroid thats why. they help with acne but its something you dr must know about because its temporary and you have to be on it for a while.
Could you list what the product was? I want to see if it works! :)
Be careful using hydrocortisone. It can weaken your skin and cause color changes in your skin. It can also make you more likely to get an infection. Talk to your dermatologist . maybe you don't have acne.
i dont think it was acne u were dealing with, ur mom was probly rite..
ur skin is guna turn weak if u keep using it!!
Why is HIV reporting good? What are the pros and cons of HIV registry?
Any websites that might help? Im suposed to be the affirmative side of STD/HIV reporting or STD/HIV registry. HELP!
it's helpful in keeping tabs on risk logistics ie; which geographical areas, agegroups, genders, and races are at highest risks at this particular time. example. i live in florida. i know that dade county has the highest infection ratio in the state. i'm also aware that young girls ages 15 to late 20's have the highest growing rate of infection, but still gay males have the most reported cases to date. i don't know who has hiv-as a member of the general public i do not have access to this information, therefore no ones privacy is really being invaded. i can not go on the computer and search all my friends and co workers for stds (thank god), but i can use the information that is available to help me make better choices about my choice of sexual partners and practices. i also know who is in the greatest need of more thorough education and encouragement of prevention practices.
its not good- it violates people's privacy and the relationship between doctors and patients
it's helpful in keeping tabs on risk logistics ie; which geographical areas, agegroups, genders, and races are at highest risks at this particular time. example. i live in florida. i know that dade county has the highest infection ratio in the state. i'm also aware that young girls ages 15 to late 20's have the highest growing rate of infection, but still gay males have the most reported cases to date. i don't know who has hiv-as a member of the general public i do not have access to this information, therefore no ones privacy is really being invaded. i can not go on the computer and search all my friends and co workers for stds (thank god), but i can use the information that is available to help me make better choices about my choice of sexual partners and practices. i also know who is in the greatest need of more thorough education and encouragement of prevention practices.
its not good- it violates people's privacy and the relationship between doctors and patients
Why is HIV particle so virulent?
So Virulent? Where do you get that information? What are you relying on to make such a bold inacurate statement?In the 1980s it was often claimed that HIV infection led to AIDS very quickly, but as time went on the asymptomatic period was stretched out until now the consensus is that it is about 10 years, both in countries where HIV testing and AIDS drugs are common, and in poorer countries where they are not.“Johns Hopkins researcher Stephen Gange said records of a large group of gay men studied in the late 1980s showed that seven out of 10,000 cases developed AIDS within six months of infection.”
Brown D. Drug-resistant AIDS case remains a puzzle. Washington Post. 2005 Feb 25.“There are too many shortcomings in the theory that HIV causes all signs of AIDS. We are seeing people HIV-infected for 9, 10, 12 years or more, and they are still in good shape, their immune system is still good. It is unlikely that these people will come down with AIDS later.”
VI Int’l AIDS Conference, Jun 24 1990We live in a media age that loves sound bites and simple quotes. This question follows that logic and goes to prove that what we hear about HIV is not the real thing.
From what I understand, does it not change its form and shape somehow, so that antibodies are unable to identify it and attack it??
^ (I think what Andy wrote is about Malaria Parasites)
HIV - because it damages a person's immune system (such as helper T cells). A person infected with HIV is infected for life - there's no cure. Over time, as the immune system weakens, a person with HIV may develop rare infections or cancers. When these are particularly serious, the person is said to have AIDS.
Like Hep C, HIV can change it's form by swapping genes, producing many different strains / subtypes, making it difficult to produce a vaccine. This is why even people who are already infected should take precautions, as there is the potential for people to become infected with a number of different strains. This could potentially produce extremely dangerous strains of HIV, that are resistant to current retro-viral drugs. There is also the danger that a variant could develop that could be passed on more easily, ie: possibly become airborne, like TB.This has already happened with TB, causing multi-drug resistant TB to become prevelant in certain areas of Africa, and elsewhere. Another example is how MSRA has mutated to produce the much more dangerous VRSR, as in resistant to Vancomycin, the drug of choice for MRSA.For more information see the follwing links:http://www.avert.org/http://www.hivdent.org/drugs/drughahdr01...http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/2006051...http://www.who.int/hiv/en/http://www.hpa.org.uk/infections/topics_...
Virulence is a measure of how likely an organism is to cause a disease. I'm not sure how virulent it is... It is however the most lethal virus, because it has a rather cunning trick. The virus takes its DNA, and adds it to the host cell DNA, making it a "retrovirus". The viral DNA then becomes part of the human DNA, so when that cell divides, the viral DNA divides with it. By infecting a dividing cell whose function it is to replace other cells, the virus can reproduce large numbers of itself without running the risk of ever dying out. Because even when all the virust particles are destroyed, viral DNA in the host cells still contains all the information needed to make new particles.
It infects immune cells called T-cells and macrophages. This is also very cunning and devious because it is these two types of cells that are responsible for removing other cells in the body infected with HIV. So in all its cunningness, the HIV virus removes any resistance the body has to offer to the virus' reproduction. Sort of like destroying a country's army before invading it.
Invasion by the virus is not the major problem. The problem is due to the lack of immunity resulting from the destruction all the immune cells, (hence Adult Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS). This allows other bacteria and fungi to grow in the body and wreak havoc unsupervised, leading eventually to death.
Thats why the treatment is in trying to destroy these invading bacteria and fungi, using a "cocktail" of drugs for all the different types of organisms.
itz mainly coz it selectively attacks n destroys d helper t cells of d immune system... destruction of des cells causes many infections which will b very virulent in des patients...
The HIV virus is constantly evolving, which is why scientists can't make vaccines for it, it affects the immune system, but it also invades the cells of the immune system, so they carry on reproducing, thinking they are making more antibodies, but are actullay churning out a supply of the HIV virus
The immune system is so good at attacking it but cannot win without a little help. It feels like the shock you would get when rubbing your feet on carpet and then touching metal as the virus first enters the initial cells. After the initial cells are destroyed there seems to be nothing going on. However, there is a constant struggle going on inside the body as the immune system battles the virus.
Why is HIV called the HIV Virus?
Why is it called the HIV Virus if the acronyms has virus in it? I need this in a hurry for school, get extra credit that I NEED %26gt;.%26gt;
For the same reason people say ATM machine and PIN number. :)I think it's just a linguistic thing. People feel like it's clearer. I don't hear a lot of medical professionals adding virus to the end, they just say "HIV."
It stand s for Human Immuno Defieciency Virus.Thats why.TC
For the same reason people say ATM machine and PIN number. :)I think it's just a linguistic thing. People feel like it's clearer. I don't hear a lot of medical professionals adding virus to the end, they just say "HIV."
It stand s for Human Immuno Defieciency Virus.Thats why.TC
Why is chickenpox is called chickenpox, what has it got to do with chickens?
One history of medicine book credits Giovanni Filippo (1510鈥?580) of Palermo with the first description of varicella (chickenpox). Subsequently in the 1600s, an English physician named Richard Morton described what he thought a mild form of smallpox as "chicken pox." Later, in 1767, a physician named William Heberden, also from England, was the first physician to clearly demonstrate that chickenpox was different from smallpox. However, it is believed the name chickenpox was commonly used in earlier centuries before doctors identified the disease.There are many explanations offered for the origin of the name chickenpox:Samuel Johnson suggested that the disease was "no very great danger", thus a "chicken" version of the pox;
the specks that appear looked as though the skin was pecked by chickens;
the disease was named after chick peas, from a supposed similarity in size of the seed to the lesions;
the term reflects a corruption of the Old English word giccin, which meant itching.
As "pox" also means curse, in medieval times some believed it was a plague brought on to curse children by the use of black magic.
does the vaccine come from chickens?
not sure on that one.
Found a website it will tell you all you need to know
doc named Richard Morton described what was a mild form of smallpox as "chicken pox." turned out to be something different. the name stuck
a chickens skin is lumpy like pimples
you get with chicken pox that's why??
prob cos it looks like chickens have bin peakin at u
and its a great way of teasing younger family members when they have it by sayin that they are turnin into a chicken
Why is calcium intake restricted in renal failure patients?
Maybe because it could help form kidney stones and it isn't excreted as fast? Ask your nephrologist or the dietician at the dialysis center .Here are some links to the National Kidney foundation and diet...Kidney disease and diethttp://www.kidney.org/atoz/atoztopic.cfm... (National Kidney foundation on diet)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (how to increase calories with the kidney diet)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (scroll down to鈥igh phosphorus foods to avoid)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (scroll down to 鈥igh potassium foods to avoid)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (scroll down to..high sodium foods to avoid)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (tips on cutting down on protein)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (kidneys and analgesics)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (kidneys and alcohol)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (kidneys and drugs)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atoztopic.cfm... (kidney transplants)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atoztopic.cfm... (urinary tract problems)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (kidneys and immunosuppresants used with transplants)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atoztopic.cfm... (kidneys and high blood pressure)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (dining out and kidney disease)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (nutrition and hemodialysis)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (vitamins and minerals and a kidney diet)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (emergency meal planning for patients on dialysis)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (emergency meal planning for diabetics on dialysis)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atoztopic_br. (National Kidney foundation downloadable brochures)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atoztopic.cfm... (all about dialysis)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (impotence and kidney disease)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (tips for spicing up your diet)
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozitem.cfm?... (recipes for kidney patients)
Why is BRUCELLOSIS endemic in Latin America?
BRUCELLOSIS is spread to humans mostly from farm animals
What is brucellosis?
It is a contagious, costly disease of ruminant animals that also affects humans. Although brucellosis can attack other animals, its main threat is to cattle, bison, and swine. The disease is also known as contagious abortion or Bang's disease. In humans, it's known as undulant fever because of the severe intermittent fever accompanying human infection or Malta fever because it was first recognized as a human disease on the island of Malta. How is brucellosis spread? Brucellosis is commonly transmitted to susceptible animals by direct contact with infected animals or with an environment that has been contaminated with discharges from infected animals. Aborted fetuses, placental membranes or fluids, and other vaginal discharges present after an infected animal has aborted or calved are all highly contaminated with infectious Brucella organisms. Cows may lick those materials or the genital area of other cows or ingest the disease-causing organisms with contaminated food or water. Despite occasional exceptions, the general rule is that brucellosis is carried from one herd to another by an infected or exposed animal. This mode of transmission occurs when a herd owner buys replacement cattle or bison that are infected or have been exposed to infection prior to purchase. The disease may also be spread when wild animals or animals from an affected herd mingle with brucellosis-free herds. How can people be protected from brucellosis? Ranchers, farmers, or animal managers should clean and disinfect calving areas and other places likely to become contaminated with infective material. All individuals should wear sturdy rubber or plastic gloves when assisting calving or aborting animals, and scrub well with soap and water afterward. Precautions against drinking raw milk or eating unpasteurized milk byproducts are also important. Ultimately, the best prevention is to eliminate brucellosis from all animals in the area. How common is human brucellosis in this country? Fortunately, the combination of pasteurization of milk and progress in the eradication of the disease in livestock has resulted in substantially fewer human cases than in the past. Ninety eight cases of human brucellosis were reported in 1997, a fraction of the 6,400 cases reported in 1947. Sixty two (62) cases of brucellosis in humans have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 1998 (provisional data).
What is brucellosis?
It is a contagious, costly disease of ruminant animals that also affects humans. Although brucellosis can attack other animals, its main threat is to cattle, bison, and swine. The disease is also known as contagious abortion or Bang's disease. In humans, it's known as undulant fever because of the severe intermittent fever accompanying human infection or Malta fever because it was first recognized as a human disease on the island of Malta. How is brucellosis spread? Brucellosis is commonly transmitted to susceptible animals by direct contact with infected animals or with an environment that has been contaminated with discharges from infected animals. Aborted fetuses, placental membranes or fluids, and other vaginal discharges present after an infected animal has aborted or calved are all highly contaminated with infectious Brucella organisms. Cows may lick those materials or the genital area of other cows or ingest the disease-causing organisms with contaminated food or water. Despite occasional exceptions, the general rule is that brucellosis is carried from one herd to another by an infected or exposed animal. This mode of transmission occurs when a herd owner buys replacement cattle or bison that are infected or have been exposed to infection prior to purchase. The disease may also be spread when wild animals or animals from an affected herd mingle with brucellosis-free herds. How can people be protected from brucellosis? Ranchers, farmers, or animal managers should clean and disinfect calving areas and other places likely to become contaminated with infective material. All individuals should wear sturdy rubber or plastic gloves when assisting calving or aborting animals, and scrub well with soap and water afterward. Precautions against drinking raw milk or eating unpasteurized milk byproducts are also important. Ultimately, the best prevention is to eliminate brucellosis from all animals in the area. How common is human brucellosis in this country? Fortunately, the combination of pasteurization of milk and progress in the eradication of the disease in livestock has resulted in substantially fewer human cases than in the past. Ninety eight cases of human brucellosis were reported in 1997, a fraction of the 6,400 cases reported in 1947. Sixty two (62) cases of brucellosis in humans have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 1998 (provisional data).
Why is blood red?
The Hemoglobin molecule is red when attached to a oxygen molecule, it is not red when the O2 is not attached.
It looks cool.
Cells. Blood is accually blue when inside the body!
Its actually blue, mixed with oxygen in the air turns it red.
It's due to the heamoglobin molecules it contains. These are red coloured iron complexes.
Well its actually blue but once the blood hits oxygen it turns red... and I have no idea why..lol.. :o)
its actually blue, its red because when it touches the air it gets oxygenated, which turns it red.
it is exposed to air when it is Red
cause, its really blue,or purple but when it hits the air it turns that color.
it' actually blue in our veins until oxygen hits it when we have a cut and it turns red
Hemoglobin is what make the blood a red color.
because thats what color it is, i dont think there is a reason
something about oxidation or something--- blood is blue, which it why are vanes are blue but when the air touches it, it turns red.
Blood is red because blood absorbs all the other colors of the visible spectrum, except for red. So red is transmitted instead. Get it.P.S. I took Biology, Chemistry, and Physics in college.
red blood cellls are red and change the color to red
blood isn't red its blue it turns red when it gets oxygen
Because it contains Iron, which oxidizes (the same process as rusting!) when exposed to oxygen. Blood in the veins isn't red!
When the iron in blood meets with oxygen, it makes it a red color. It's the same principle behind when iron rusts, it looks red.
blood is red because of a pigment called haemoglobin in blood which imparts red colour
I don't know how true it is but when I was little I was told blood was blue inside the body, and when it came to the surface it turned red due to oxygen
so you can see it when you bleed. Its like a red light or tail lights on a car, when you see red, you stop. So when you bleed you see red, you stop, you put on a bandaid, or other care if its serious.
Good question! When u find out why ... let me know.
its not the blood thats red its the blood CELLS.
red blood cells
It is a chemical reaction between ingredients in blood and oxygen that turn it red. When the blood passes through the arteries it receives oxygen from the lungs and the blood turns red. The blood traveling back to the heart has been depleted of oxygen since that is one of the main purposes of blood, to bring oxygen to all of the cells. That is why veins are blue and arteries are red. Though there are "red blood" cells in the mix they are not red unless they are rich in oxygen. It is hemoglobin in the cells that actually carry the oxygen. I believe it is the reaction between oxygen and iron that makes the red color, like rust forming when iron is over exposed to air.
Because it exposed to oxygen, but it is actually blue inside the body.
Actually, human blood is blue. It only becomes red when it is exposed to oxygen.For the low down nitty gritty, check out the source link
its actually blue. it turns red once it takes in oxygen.
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