Saturday, June 27, 2009
Why do I keep getting MRSA?
Once MRSA has entered into your system, it remains there. Even though you may finish a bout of it, it will remain inside you, ready to get noticed again, at any time. My son fights against MRSA a lot. Because of this, we make sure all sheets and pillow cases are changed on a daily basis while MRSA is having an outbreak. We use Clorox in the tubs, toilets, on the floors in the bathroom, and only wash linens and clothing on the Sanitary Cycle. We wash all dishes in the sanitary cycle, as well. The last outbreak my son had, was so severe, that he could not go to the hospital to stay. He was covered with sores and the hospital delivered medication for him to have his I.V. at home! He was just too contageous to stay in the hospital! The med he was given introvenously, was the most harsh med they make, outside of radio active meds!
Remember, whatever you do to get rid of the MRSA each time, is worth it. I know one fellow who just lost his finger tips, because the MRSA settled in them. The doctors used leeches to get the MRSA out of him, saving his entire arm!
MRSA is it under control as much as you possibly can.
Working and/or spending a good bit of time in hospitals (whether for your own treatment, as an employee, or visiting others) could certainly do it.
because it's resistant to antibiotics and you keep getting exposed to it
MRSA are acquired mostly from hospitals, where drugs are used to control staph infections, and gradually they become resistant. So I guess you work in hospital, or near some hospital setting, that's why you tend to acquire this infection repeatedly.
You are probably a carrier of the MRSA virus.. both my mom and i are classified as carriers, we have it on our skin but do not develope the full blown outbreaks.. when we go into hospitals we tell them so that we are quarintined as to not affect/infect others,, absolutely nothing we can do about it...
You've either never gotten rid of it or you keep getting reinfected from someone/somewhere. The organism is resistant to many antibiotics, so it's possible, if you were treated, that it was never fully eradicated. It went into hiding and keeps coming back out. You could also be getting it from someone you have close, frequent contact with.
You probably never got rid of it the first time.MRSA is a hospital acquired infection that takes very high powered antibiotics to get rid of. You need to go to MD (a good one) and find out what it is resistant to and get on the right antibiotic.It may have to be IV.Good luck!
Your skin and nose are colonized with MRSA germs. Staph is very hard to get rid of once colonized. Try applying a dab of intranasal Bactroban twice daily inside of your nose for 2-3 weeks. Wash your skin in the shower with Hibiclens or vinegar to lower staph germs on skin. Clean pillow cases and bedding in very hot soap and water regularly and wash your hands regularly and every time you touch or blow your nose. You might also need to do oral or even IV antibiotics while doing all of above. I'd see an infectious disease specialist and get their advice. Then hope for the best. You have a chance to get rid of the MRSA and at least you can learn to better manage living with it. good luck. YAs using "intranasal Bactroban" and "colonized staph" for more answers on this topic.
You haven't provided enough information for me to answer this with any significant degree of accuracy. It may be that you are colonized and are a chronic carrier, it may be that you don't observe contact precautions, it may be that you don't practice good hand hygiene. I don't even know how and where you're being exposed. Can you add an addendum explaining?And it's not necessarily true that once MRSA enters your system, it's there permanently.
Why do I keep feeling "tingling dizziness" like "right before your hand falls asleep" IN MY HEAD AND HANDS?
There might be something wrong with your nerves or it maybe your sense of balance. Try to go see a Neurologist or an ENT specialist. And it may help to take vitamin B complex for your nerves. :)
u have a pinched nerve in yr neck,,,see a chiropractor
you're "over tired". Get some milk and get a good night's sleep, without interruption, in a quiet room, in room with a slightly cool temperature.
your age?not declared ! But the reason for your problem may be anemia means low hemoglobin level in your blood ! or there may be early diabetes ! Is in your family any one is having diabetes ?Take calcium and iron also but not for long time 1WHAT ABOUT YOUR MENSES?ALWAYS YouRsmE
This could be serious-make a Dr's appt. It could be signs of a stroke, coronary artery disease, many things.
Why do I itch when I'm stressed or nervous?
When I get under stress or nervous I start to itch, especially on my arms, neck, and back. It started when I was in high school. It happens when I take tests, when I am very worried, when I work out at the gym, when I'm running late and get stuck in traffic etc. I'm itching right now because I'm studying for final exams. Its mostly an embarrassment issue for me because I don't want people thinking I have bugs or something. Is this common, or is there something wrong with me? What can I do to treat it?
My Gosh !! I have been having the same exact problem in the last 3 months, I have scratched myself so much I have left raw marks. I have been to the dermatologist %26 at first he said it was dry winter itch so I moisterized %26 take fish oil capsules to put more oil in my system, I am still itching %26 noticed when I was on the phone with some one that upsets me I scratch more. I guess the only answer is to "try" %26 calm down, yeah ! easier said than done, right ? I bought some natural relaxants at the health food store, I used to take them %26 am going to again, they are by Hylands %26 called "Calms Forte", take one every now %26 then when I am going to be in a nervous situation. Good luck sweetie, I'm with you all the way.
most common place is the head. even when u're confused... by people dont do it all the time... u need to relax more... no treatment needed... just relax
it's psychosomatic i think it normally happens when you're trying to contain your emotions so the body finds another way to react, i get the same thing when i'm stressed example: i just got married saturday and most people were wondering how i was able to handle being that nervous without showing it all but my wife, i get a really bad rash when i get stressed out and i was on the verge of running from the house screaming i just didn't look it and it found a way to show in another manner. now i am by no means a doctor but i'm pretty sure this might be it in your case
My Gosh !! I have been having the same exact problem in the last 3 months, I have scratched myself so much I have left raw marks. I have been to the dermatologist %26 at first he said it was dry winter itch so I moisterized %26 take fish oil capsules to put more oil in my system, I am still itching %26 noticed when I was on the phone with some one that upsets me I scratch more. I guess the only answer is to "try" %26 calm down, yeah ! easier said than done, right ? I bought some natural relaxants at the health food store, I used to take them %26 am going to again, they are by Hylands %26 called "Calms Forte", take one every now %26 then when I am going to be in a nervous situation. Good luck sweetie, I'm with you all the way.
most common place is the head. even when u're confused... by people dont do it all the time... u need to relax more... no treatment needed... just relax
it's psychosomatic i think it normally happens when you're trying to contain your emotions so the body finds another way to react, i get the same thing when i'm stressed example: i just got married saturday and most people were wondering how i was able to handle being that nervous without showing it all but my wife, i get a really bad rash when i get stressed out and i was on the verge of running from the house screaming i just didn't look it and it found a way to show in another manner. now i am by no means a doctor but i'm pretty sure this might be it in your case
Why do I heavily jerk/jump/etc. whenever loud noises happen to me? esp. while having coffee?
Whenever I'm in a restaurant, even if I'm expecting it, I feel like loud noises give me a "heart attack" so I have to plug my ears- (slamming dishes, when a child or person screams, someone sneezes loud, %26 several other (steady) noises bother me too, like "scraping plates", people who slurp their drinks, blow their nose,.anyways, why do noises bother me? is it the coffee? is it my epilepsy?-I take carbamezepine. Is there a name for this problem I have?
Humans are inherently afraid of four things, pain, loud noises, strangeness, and falling backwards. It's in our blood and in our bodies. People can train themselves to react differently to these experiences, but without learning how to instantly and continuously deal with the same thing, loud noises, you will always jump or startle or feel your blood pressure and heart rate go up.It's just life, man.
Best idea is to ask your doctor
u need coffeine like drogs
Humans are inherently afraid of four things, pain, loud noises, strangeness, and falling backwards. It's in our blood and in our bodies. People can train themselves to react differently to these experiences, but without learning how to instantly and continuously deal with the same thing, loud noises, you will always jump or startle or feel your blood pressure and heart rate go up.It's just life, man.
Best idea is to ask your doctor
u need coffeine like drogs
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